social ideas that had been accepted for centuries
were critically examined, and the consequences had
a tremendous impact on Western society.
At the heart of the Enlightenment was a belief
in the power of RATIONALISM, the ability to arrive
at answers to difficult and complicated questions
through the power of human reason and experi-
ence. Enlightenment thinkers believed that all
questions must be answered rationally, without re-
course to authority or intuition. Furthermore, En-
lightenment thinkers believed that every element
of human society should be open to rigorous ques-
tioning, no matter how sacred others considered it.
These beliefs stemmed from some of the scientific
discoveries occurring at the time, such as those by
Sir Isaac Newton. As a result, some of the most
controversial elements of the Age of Enlighten-
ment involved religion.
The thinkers and writers of the Enlightenment
were known as philosophes. They were not philoso-
phers in the traditional sense, but rather individuals
who sought to spread the ideas of philosophy to the
general public. The philosophes achieved this
through the use of nearly every genre of literature;
Enlightenment ideas were expressed in poetry, nov-
els, dramas, pamphlets,and various reference works.
By far the most famous and influential of the
philosophes was
VOLTAIRE. From the 1720s until his
death in 1778, Voltaire produced a constant stream
of literature in various genres, including plays,
short stories, novels, essays, and pamphlets.
Through his writing, he attacked censorship of the
press, religious intolerance, backward legal sys-
tems, and outdated political ideas. His hugely pop-
ular writings helped spread Enlightenment ideas
throughout the literate populations of Europe and
the United States. His most successful work, Can-
dide, is one of the two great literary works of the
Enlightenment period.
Voltaire was not alone; the Enlightenment pro-
duced a very large number of influential literary
figures. Denis DIDEROT wrote a series of works, both
fiction and nonfiction, expressing Enlightenment
ideas. Jean Le Rond d’ALEMBERT did fundamental
new work in mathematics while pursuing philo-
sophical studies, and Baron de
the highly influential Spirit of Laws, which greatly
affected 18th-century political thought.
However, not all thinkers and writers of the Age
of Enlightenment were devoted to rationalism.
Many people, including members of the clergy, dis-
trusted the philosophes, because their ideas seemed
to threaten the status of religion in Western soci-
ety. Jean-Jacques ROUSSEAU, for instance, taught that
the key to human understanding of the world was
not the power of human reason, but rather in-
volved emotion and intuition. This point of view
resulted in an intense dispute between Rousseau
and Voltaire, which lasted throughout their lives.
Perhaps the greatest literary production of the
Age of Enlightenment was the ENCYCLOPEDIA.
Jointly edited by Diderot and d’Alembert, and fea-
turing contributions from Voltaire and other
philosophes, the Encyclopedia sought to system-
atize human knowledge after examining it with a
thoroughly rational point of view. Government
authorities sought to censor the work and prevent
its publication, as well as harassing and imprison-
ing those who worked on it.
Despite such resistance, Enlightenment ideals
spread far and wide. The intellectual flowering that
took place in Scotland during the latter half of the
18th century owed a great deal to the scholarship
and literature of the Enlightenment. During the
American Revolution, the political ideas that mo-
tivated the American radicals were largely bor-
rowed from the French philosophes. Finally, when
the French Revolution began in 1789, the revolu-
tionaries looked to the ideas of the Enlightenment
for inspiration as they sought to topple the French
monarchy and create a republic in its place.
In a larger sense, the Age of Enlightenment fun-
damentally altered the intellectual environment of
the Western world. The modern, rational insis-
tence on solid evidence when answering difficult
questions, which is at the heart of both the modern
scientific method and the Western legal system, is a
legacy of Enlightenment thought. So, too, are the
Enlightenment, Age of 85