186 8 The Appearance of Regular Fluxes Without Gradients
dimensional periodic structures. Why do bio-motors play so important a part in
maintenance of vital functions of living matter? The most primitive cells do not have
a nucleus. Their entrails consist of unstructured broth. Such cells are very small
and intracellular transport in them can be provided through thermal diffusion. In
contrast, cells that form any multi-cellular organisms, are not only more organized,
but also larger. Because of this, passive diffusive transport becomes insufficient:
when cell scale grows 20 times, diffusion slows down 400 times. The distinctive
feature of the structure of such cells is the existence of the nucleus, responsible
for the storage and duplication of genetic information, and a net of filaments that
connect the different parts of the cell. These filaments radially disperse from the
nucleus to the periphery of the cell. For our purposes, we need only know that
filaments are periodic and fairly rigid structures with a period of the order of 10
nm. They have moreover polarity, so that one can define a “positive” and “negative”
extremity. Let us note that bio-motors of definite type always move in the same
direction, which is determined by motor type and filament polarity. Apart from
some additional aims that are beyond the scope of this work, the filament system
realizes metabolic processes between different parts of the cell. Now we will try
to apply the concept of noise-induced transport considered earlier in this chapter
to explain the functioning of bio-motors. Let us consider an isothermal reaction in
the presence of a catalyst. In the simplest case, this reaction could be described
by one reaction coordinate that cyclically passes through a set of chemical states.
An adequate model is a Brownian particle under the action of thermal fluctuations
in periodic potential. The local minimum represents some chosen chemical state,
while passing through the chemical cycle is modeled as a displacement of the reac-
tion coordinate on one spatial period. The full cycle in one direction means that
all existing molecules were transformed into reaction products as a result of the
catalytic reaction. Passing through the cycle in reverse corresponds to the reverse
reaction. With reference to the case of interest, the situation is as follows [208]. In
the first step, the “filling” of bio-motor M is carried out, when the organic com-
plex adenosine triphosphate (ATP) joins it. In all living organisms this complex acts
the part of a universal accumulator of energy. Bio-motors obtain energy from the
degradation of ATP. The energy (about 12 kT ) is stored in a phosphate bond and is
released when this bond is broken, to form adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and inor-
ganic phosphate (P). The motor continuously breaks ATP in a never-ending cycle:
M → M × AT P → M × ADP × P → M × ADP → M. Although this cycle is
most common, in general, different motors could function with the use of different
cycles. Biologists carry out careful experiments to clarify the details of every cycle.
Notice that we discussed only the problem of the fuel for the bio-motor, but have
not yet touched upon the main problem: by what mechanism is released energy
transformed into directional motion. At first glance, the solution to the problem
could be connected to the existence of a temperature gradient along the filament,
on which bio-motors move. However, all temperature heterogeneity in the cell on
a scale of a few tens of nanometers, decay on time scales of microseconds. This
tiny scale is much smaller than the characteristic times of the chemical reactions
that carry out the motor filling considered above. So, we are again faced with the