8.4 Principal Types of Ratchets 173
or random. In the strictest sense, diffusive ratchets are not pulsing ones, for which
f (t) = 0, but they are shown [183] to reduce to the latter.
From the point of view of Einstein relations, a change of the character of the
diffusion can be equally due to a change in both the temperature and friction coeffi-
cient. However, such modification of the Smoluchowski–Feynman model does not
break the detailed balance symmetry and therefore there is no ratchet effect in that
case [183].
We will briefly discuss the tilting ratchet ( f (t) = 0, y(t) = 0). In this case
x, f (t)
= V
. In the case of the potential V (x) with broken spatial symmetry
we can restrict ourselves to the case of symmetric function y(t). Under symmetric
function we will understand a periodic one y(t), for which there is such Δt, that
− y(t) = y(t +Δt) (8.45)
for all t.Ify(t) represents a random process, then we will call it symmetric if the
statistical properties of the processes y(t) and −y(t) coincide. In the case when
the driving force y(t) is a random process, the ratchet is called a fluctuating force
ratchet, and in the case of periodic driving, swinging [190]. If, in the case of periodic
excitement, we drop thermal noise into the Langevin equation, then we obtain a
so-called deterministic ratchet [191, 192].
In the case of the symmetric potential V (x) to break the symmetry of y(
t), gener-
ally speaking, is sufficient for the appearance of finite current. The term asymmetric
tilting ratchet is usually applied in a case when y(t) is a nonsymmetric function,
regardless of the fact whether it is periodic or random, and whether the potential
V (x) is symmetric or not.
Of course, the presented classification does not exhaust all conceivable ratchets.
Let us note in particular a curious class of ratchet not included in the considered
classification – the so-called supersymmetric ratchets [183, 193]. In such systems,
the ratchet effect is absent even at deviation from the thermal equilibrium and under
broken spatial (or time) symmetry. In particular, in such systems the average sta-
tionary current is zero for any choice of friction coefficient and time dependencies
of temperature and of external forces f (t), y(t). The term “super-symmetry” is due
to the fact that the unperturbed system f (t) = y(t) = F = 0 (8.39) at a certain
choice of the potential V (x) can be described in terms of supersymmetric quantum
mechanics [194]. The usefulness of this connection lies in the possibility to trans-
form the Fokker–Planck equation into the Schr
odinger equation in imaginary time,
and further to use the powerful arsenal of supersymmetric quantum mechanics.
To conclude this section, we will discuss what physical situations are covered by
the model (8.39) and the ratchet classification based on it. They are so diverse that
their systematic enumeration is senseless. Therefore, we will limit ourselves to a
few remarks.
The stochastic process in (8.39) has the space of states in the form of the real
axis and for simplicity is often called a Brownian particle. In some cases x(t) actu-
ally represents the position of a real physical particle, in other cases, very diverse
collective degrees of freedom or slow variable states. It can be a chemical reaction