160 8 The Appearance of Regular Fluxes Without Gradients
of a periodically acting machine at the cost of internal energy – in the end, at the
cost of one thermal reservoir. As this is impossible, in nature it is impossible to
realize a process, the only result of which would be load lifting (i.e. mechanical
work) executed due to the cooling of the thermal reservoir. The latter represents the
formulation of the second law of thermodynamics by W. Thomson. It is easy to see
that the two formulations are interrelated. The mechanical work obtained by cooling
of the colder reservoir could be used to heat the warmer one (e.g. by friction), which
would violate the Klausius principle.
Having come to terms with the fact that a perpetuum mobile of the second kind is
unrealizable, we can pose the problem of how to minimally violate the functioning
conditions of the second law in order to make a gradient-free current possible. To
that end, let us look at the problem from a somewhat different point of view. A per-
petuum mobile of the second kind represents one of many idealized objects conve-
nient for theorists to deal with but completely unavailable to experimenters. Instead
of the commonly accepted division between “theorists” and “experimenters” let us
understand under the former those scientists who work with symmetries and and
under the latter, those who “honestly” (analytically or numerically) solve equations
of motion. In the 1950s, the physical elite (the physicists who dealt with elementary
particles) turned to symmetry. That transition was to a great extent necessitated by
the absence of corresponding equations of motion. It is well known that symme-
tries are equivalent to the conservation laws. Not calling into question the great
progress achieved in this way, let us pose a naive question: which is better, symme-
tries (conservation laws) or equations of motion? The objective answer is: equations
of motion are better, for two reasons. First, equations of motion account for sym-
metry automatically, while symmetry does not contain any dynamics. Second, a
real physical situation always corresponds to broken symmetry, and a breakdown
in symmetry is more easily inserted into equations of motion. We note that the
computer revolution gave rise to the possibility of substantially advancing solutions
of realistic problems with broken symmetry. In essence, the newest history of the
considered problem began from the attempt [179] to consider a realistic physical sit-
uation instead of an idealized Smoluchowski–Feynman gedanken experiment. But
we will start from the latter.
In the Feynman lectures [180] the problem was discussed with the help of a
mechanical ratchet model. The model was first invented and analyzed by Smolu-
chowski [181] in the golden age of Brownian motion theory. Smoluchowski showed
that, in the absence of a thinking creature (like the Maxwell demon) the intriguing
possibility to extract useful work from equilibrium fluctuations cannot be realized.
The device (see Fig. 8.1) is very simple: on one end of the axis there is a rotator,
on the other – a ratchet, which, due to the pawl, can rotate only in one direction. If
the rotator is surrounded with a gas, then the collisions of gas molecules with the
rotator blades will make it rock in a random way. At first sight it seems that, due
to the presence of the ratchet and the pawl on the other end of the axis, sufficiently
strong unidirectional fluctuations will lift the pawl and the ratchet will rotate.
However, analysis shows that in order to obtain mechanical work, the rotator
must be inside a thermal reservoir at temperature T
higher than that surrounding