Protein Synthesis
Protein synthesis is the making of a protein and requires ribonucleic acid
(RNA), which is synthesized from nucleotides that contain the bases A, C, G,
and U (uracil). There are three types of RNA. These are:
Ribosomal RNA (rRNA), which is the enzymatic part of ribosomes.
Transfer RNA (tRNA), which is needed to transport amino acids to the
ribosomes in order to synthesize protein.
Messenger RNA (mRNA), which carries the genetic information from
DNA into the cytoplasm to ribosomes where the proteins are made.
An enzyme called RNA polymerase is required to make (synthesize) rRNA,
tRNA, and mRNA.
Protein synthesis begins with the transcription process, in which DNA
sequences are replicated producing mRNA. The mRNA carries genetic informa-
tion from the DNA to ribosomes. Ribosomes are organelles and the site of pro-
tein synthesis.
Nucleotides contained in DNA are duplicated by enzymes before cell division,
enabling genetic information to be carried between cells and from one generation
to the next. This is referred to as gene expression and happens in RNA only.
During transcription, the bases A, C, G, and uracil (U) pair with bases of the
DNA strand that is being transcribed. The G base in the DNA template pairs with
the C base in the mRNA. The C base in the DNA template pairs with the G base
in the mRNA. The T base in the DNA template pairs with an A in the mRNA.
An A base in the DNA template pairs with the U in the mRNA. This happens
because RNA contains a U base instead of a T base.
Transcription begins when the RNA polymerase binds to DNA at the promo-
tor site. The DNA unwinds. One of the DNA strands, called a coding strand,
serves as a template for RNA synthesis. RNA is synthesized by pairing free
nucleotides of the RNA with nucleotide bases on the DNA template strand. The
RNA polymerase moves along the DNA as the new RNA strand grows. This
continues until the RNA polymerase reaches the terminator site on the DNA or
is physically stopped by a section of RNA transcript. The new single-stranded
mRNA and the RNA polymerase are released from the DNA.
Here is what’s happening: Information of the nucleic acid assembles a protein.
The mRNA strand consists of several sections, one being the reading frame. The
reading frame is made up of codons. These are AUG, AAA, and GGC. Each codon
contains information for a specific amino acid. The sequence of codons on the
RNA determines the sequence that amino acids are used to synthesize proteins.
CHAPTER 7 Microbial Genetics
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