otic cells or in the plasma membrane in prokaryotic cells. In the mitochondria
this system is set up into four complexes of carriers.
Each of these carriers transports electrons part of the way to O
(which is the
final electron acceptor). The carriers, coenzyme Q and cytochrome C, connect
these complexes. This process by which energy comes from the electron trans-
port chain is provided by protons (H
) and are used to make ATP.
Three ATP molecules can be synthesized from ADP and Pi when two elec-
trons pass from NADH to an atom of O
The electron transport chain used by bacteria and other prokaryotes can differ
from the mitochondrial chain used in eukaryotic organisms. Bacteria, for exam-
ple, vary in their electron carriers. Bacteria use cytochromes, heme proteins that
carry electrons through the electron transport chain. (A heme is an organic com-
pound, the center of which contains an iron atom surrounded by four nitrogen
atoms.) Electrons can enter at several points and leave through terminal oxidases.
Prokaryotic and eukaryotic electrons work using the same fundamental princi-
ples, although they differ in construction.
The electron transport chain in E. coli bacteria, for example, transports elec-
trons from NADH to acceptors and moves protons across the plasma membrane.
The E. coli electron transport chain is branched and contains different cyto-
chromes. The two branches are cytochrome d and cytochrome o. Coenzyme Q
donates electrons to both branches. These chains operate in different conditions.
For example, the cytochrome d branch will function when O
levels are low and
does not actively pump protons, whereas the cytochrome o branch operates in
higher O
concentrations and is a proton pump.
During the aerobic metabolism of a single glucose molecule, ten pairs of elec-
trons from NAD produce thirty ATP molecules, and two pairs of FAD produce
four ATP molecules, making a total of 34 ATP molecules. Four substrate-level
ATPs make a total of 38 molecules of ATP from one molecule of glucose.
The energy captured occurs through a process called chemiosmosis, formu-
lated by British biochemist Peter Mitchell, who won the Nobel Prize in 1978. In
chemiosmosis electrons flow down their electrochemical gradient across the
inner mitochondrial membrane in eukaryotes and the cell membrane in prokary-
otes through ATP syntase.
If the organism is in an aerobic environment, there are enzymes that can break
down harmful chemicals. An example of such a chemical is hydrogen peroxide
). If the organism is in an anaerobic environment, they do not possess or
cannot produce these aerobic enzymes and are susceptible to damage by O
. An
example is the free radical superoxide. Organisms that follow this pathway pro-
duce less ATP. An example of these types of organisms is lactobacillus.
CHAPTER 5 The Chemical Metabolism
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