Sulfate reducers. Archaea that function in the presence of air.
Extreme halophiles. Archaea that live in an extremely salty environment.
Cell wall–less archaea. Archaea that do not have a cell wall.
Extremely thermophilic S-metabolizers. Archaea that need sulfur for growth.
The other method used to organize archaea into subgroups is used in Bergey’s
Manual of Systematic Bacteriology that you learned about in Chapter 9; it con-
sists of two branches (phyla). These are:
Phylum crenarchaeota. Archaea that are within the phylum crenarchaeota
branch are anaerobes (they live in the absence of oxygen) and grow in a sul-
fur-enriched soil or water environment that is at a temperature between 88
and 100 degrees Fahrenheit and has a pH between 0 and 5.5. Extremely
thermophilic S-metabolizers are within the phylum crenarchaeota subgroup.
Phylum euryarchaeota. The phylum euryarchaeota branch consists of the
following five major groups:
• Methogenic archaea. Methogenic archaea, the largest group of phylum
euryarchaeota, are anaerobic archaea that synthesize organic compounds
in a process called methanogenesis, which produces methane. They also
use inorganic sources (autotrophic) such as H
and CO
for growth.
Methogenic archaea thrive in swamps, hot springs, and fresh water as
well as in marshes. They digest sludge and transform undigested food, in
animal intestines and in the rumen of a ruminant, into methane. A rumi-
nant is a herbivoir that has a stomachs which is divided into four com-
partments. The rumen is the expanded upper compartment of the
stomach that contains regurgitated and partially digested food called a
cud. Methogenic archaea transform regurgitated and partially digested
food into methane (CH
), which is a clean-burning fuel. For example, a
cow can belch up to 400 liters of methane a day. Sewage treatment plants
also use methogenic archaea to transform organic waste into methane.
Although methane is a source of energy, it is also a cause for the green-
house effect. Methogenic archaea are further organized into five orders.
These are: methanobacterioles, methanococcales, methanomicrobiales,
methanosareinales, and methanopyrales.
• Extreme halophiles. Extreme halophiles, also known as halobacteria,
absorb nutrients from dead organic matter absorb nutrients in the presents
of oxygen (aerobic chemoheterotrophs). They require proteins, amino
acids, and other nutrients for growth in a high concentration of sodium
chloride. Extreme halophiles can be motile or nonmotile and are found
CHAPTER 10 The Prokaryotes
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