Second American Restatement of
the Foreign Relations Law of the
universal criminal jurisdiction 141,
Universal Declaration of Human
Rights (UDHR) 2, 4, 8, 15, 29,
35, 39, 153, 155; on democracy
76, 82, 113; on governance 31; on
individual’s duties to community
16; member states’ obligations to
respect 44, 45, 96, 154; process of
drafting 56–59; recognition of
equality 63, 64, 69, 72, 157;
sixtieth anniversary 30
Universal Declaration on
Democracy (Council of the
Inter-Parliamentary Union) 79
universal values 1–2
universality of human rights 18, 35,
52, 155–56; bases 59; challenges
of implementation 60; debates 4,
54; democratic test of 59, 61; as
goal 55–56; instances of
reaffirmation of consensus over
58, 60; as normative concept
56–59; problem of arguments for
cultural diversity 55; UN
commitment to 56–59; World
Conference on Human Rights 101
Uruguay 66
Vienna Convention on the Law of
Treaties 47–48
Vienna Declaration see World
Conference on Human Rights,
Vienna (June 1993)
violence against women 153, 156;
addressed in UN Aide Memoire
136; reference in Millennium
Declaration 95; UN human rights
special procedures against 111;
UNSC resolution on protection
of women and girls 139
Virginia Declaration of Rights
(1776) 22
Visscher, Charles de 158–59
war: reference in Millennium
Declaration 95; systematic rape of
women 102, see also armed
war crimes 104, 121, 141, 144
Western–non-Western divide 1
Wilson, President Woodrow 73
Wolfrum, Ru
diger 100
women: action called for at World
Conference on Human Rights
102; HRC’s guidance on
non-discrimination for ICCPR
67; indigenous community 38;
issues in UN Aide Memoire 136;
refugees 134; relief brought by
concept of equality in
international law 42, 62;
trafficking of 85, 156; UNSC
resolution on protection of 139,
see also gender discrimination;
violence against women; World
Conference on Women’s Rights
Working Group on the Right to
Development (2007) 86–87
World Bank: role in tackling
poverty 97; Worldwide Governance
Indicators (2007) 74, 157
World Conference Against Racism,
Racial Discrimination,
Xenophoboa and Related
Intolerance, Durban (2001) 63,
World Conference on Human
Rights, Vienna (June 1993) 2, 26,
28, 98, 100–102; concerns over
lack of justice or reparation 143;
on democracy, development and
human rights 77, 157;
endorsement of right to
development 85, 86, 89, 97; on
international obligations 42;
reaffirmation of universality of
human rights 58, 60, 153–54;
Vienna Declaration and Program
of Action 28, 42, 53, 62, 73, 85,
101, 115, 142, 154
World Conference on Women’s
Rights, Beijing (September 1995)
63, 69–70
World Conference to Combat
Racism and Racial
Discrimination (August 1978) 63
Index 191