German Institute of Human Rights
Germany: early treaties for religious
rights 118
Gettysburg Address 24
global warming 153
globalization: Millennium
Declaration’s reference to 93;
need for framework of human
rights 29, 34–36, 40–41
Goodrich, Leland 100
Gore, island of (Senegal) 85
governance: democracy 79, 80, 82,
83, 84, 158; need for human rights
framework 5, 29, 31; UNSC
resolutions concerning democracy
78–79; World Bank judgments 74,
governments: dimensions of
national protection system 31–34,
40; human rights obligations to
international law 5; role in
protection of human rights 24–25
Grahl-Madsen, Atle 120
Greece 78, 127–28
Greek philosophy 3, 19
Grotius, Hugo 20
Guiding Principles on Internal
Displacement 139
Hambro, Edvard 100
Hart, H.L.A. 18, 19
Henkin, Louis 44, 77
Hinduism 13, 14
HIV/AIDS 95, 153
Hobbes, Thomas 20–21
honor killings 156
human rights: common struggle
16–17; debates 1–2, 4; distinctions
with other moral rights 18; ideas
from ancient civilizations 2–3,
8–13; strategic mission of
contemporary ideas 160, see also
universality of human rights
Human Rights Commission 40;
drafting of UDHR 56–59
Human Rights Committee 42, 50,
52, 124; addressing of equality 63,
67–69; comment on human rights
dialogue 105, 110; emphasis on
cooperation 103; Mauritian
women’s case 62; on right to
participate in public affairs 83;
roles 125; on states of emergency
77; Zambian democratic rights
case 73
Human Rights Council (HRC) 124,
134–39, 159; dialogue with
UNHCHR 112; emphasis on
dialogue and cooperation 28, 98,
102–3, 106, 110, 135, 159;
performance in international
protection 136; principles to
advance democratic legitimacy 76;
problems with Sudan over Darfur
conflict 98; role in human rights
education 33–34; role in
preventive/protective action 31,
39, 39–40, 41, 135, 141; roles 125;
special procedures 110–11, 122,
136, 155; Special Rapporteur on
Extreme Poverty 97; universal
periodic review process 155
human rights dialogue 105–6, 114,
160; African Peer Review
Mechanism 108–9; bilateral
106–7; with business 108; and
cooperation 34, 98; in Human
Rights Council 102–3, 135; with
human rights treaty bodies 110;
with non-state actors 107; with
OSCE High Commissioner on
National Minorities 113; and
promotion of democracy 113–14;
with UN human rights special
procedures 110–11; with UNHCR
human rights treaties see treaties
human rights treaty bodies: dialogue
110, see also under names of
human rights violations 1, 28, 29; as
challenge to universality of
human rights 54, 60; challenges
for international protection 36–40,
40, 141; children afflicted by
armed conflict (CAAC) 138–39;
CHR’s emphasis on international
cooperation in prevention of 105,
159; condemnation at World
Index 183