successors, Bohm goes into great detail about the interpretation
of the theory. All of this is done from the orthodox Bohr point of
view. He presents a novel version of the Einstein, Podolsky, and
Rosen experiment, one that is much easier for someone trying to
learn the subject to visualize. It has become the basis of most of
the modern discussion. It is this version, especially following the
work of Bell, that has lent itself to actual laboratory experiments.
The purpose of Bohm’s discussion of the EPR experiment is to
argue, along the lines of Bohr’s refutation, that the experiment,
properly interpreted, is simply another example of the principle
of complementarity. Toward the end of the book Bohm presents
an extensive discussion of the ‘‘hidden variable’’ question: This is
important for understanding Bell’s work, so I will say a few
words about it here and come back to it later.
When Einstein spoke of ‘‘completing’’ the quantum theory, it
was never entirely clear what he meant. It probably could not
have been made completely clear unless he had succeeded in car-
rying out the program, whatever that turned out to be. One pos-
sibility for what he meant, and there is support for this in his
writing, would be ‘‘hidden variables.’’ The paradigmatic example
of the introduction of hidden variables into physics was the use
of the atomic theory of matter by such nineteenth-century physi-
cists as James Clerk Maxwell and Ludwig Boltzmann to explain
the laws of thermodynamics, such as the conservation of energy,
which had been discovered earlier in the century. It would have
been perfectly consistent to take these laws at their face value
without searching for a deeper meaning. However, people like
Maxwell and Boltzmann argued that these laws could be ‘‘ex-
plained’’ if one supposed that, says, a heated gas consisted of
chaotically moving atoms and that heat, for example, was noth-
ing but a manifestation of the random motion of these atoms. To
us, this seems almost obvious, but in the nineteenth century no
one had ever seen an atom. One was proposing to explain ob-
served macroscopic regularities by introducing another, appar-
ently hidden domain of unobserved and possibly unobservable
microscopic phenomena. Many physicists, even some of Planck’s