Einstein, Albert (cont.) 110–11, 118; nuclear reactor re-
influenced by, 33; Wheeler’s assess- search, 121–22; on quantum the-
ment of, 129, 138–41 ory, 49
Einstein Centennial, 125–26 Fermi distance, 64–65
Feynman, Richard: atomic bomb pro-Einstein, Eduard (Tete), 151, 153–
ject, 121; death of wife (Arlene54, 156–57
Einstein, Hans Albert, 151 Greenbaum), 116; Ph.D. thesis,
Einstein: His Life and Times, 144 116–17; popular culture influ-
Einstein, Maja, 149 enced by, 5; reservations about
electricity, 69 quantum theory, 77; Wheeler’s in-
fluence on, 97–98, 107, 114–15electrodynamics, 68, 108
Forrestal Center, 127electron: atomic spectra, 32; identifi-
four-dimensional spacetime geome-cation of, 14; ‘‘state of,’’ 95–96;
try, 133–34wave mechanics and, 30–31, 34
electron microscope, quantum the- Frank, Philipp, 20, 33, 144, 153
ory and, 31 Freedman, Stuart, 76
Frisch, Otto, 110–11electron-positron accumulator, 86–
87, 108 Fuchs, Klaus, 125–26
electrostatics, 68, 79
Galileo, 3, 69–70elementary-particle physics, 18–19,
137–38; cosmic radiation and, Gamow, George, 55–56
Gell-Mann, Murray, 57124–25; Wheeler’s view of, 132–
genetic determinism, quantum the-33
ory and, 63–64Elements of Electricity,14
geon, development of, 132–33Emeleus, Karl, 14
entropy, 150–51 Gerlach, Walter, 60–61, 160
German University (Prague), 153EPR (Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen) ex-
periment, 44–45; Bell’s inequality Germer, L., 31
and, 75; Bertlmann’s socks analogy Gibbs, Willard, 151
and, 8–9; Bohm’s interpretation Gödel, Kurt, 140–41
of, 54, 57, 60–62; cultural aspects Goudsmit, Samuel, 58–59
of, vii–viii; impact of, on popular Graves, George, 122
gravitation: early research on, 68–69;culture, 77–78; impact on quan-
relativity theory and, 43–44tum theory, 49–50; locality and,
Greenbaum, Arlene, 11672–73; Wheeler’s assessment of,
138–39 ground states, planetary atomic
ether, early physics research and, 68– model, 29
Groves, General, 122–2369
Ewald, Peter Paul, 14 Gruppentheorie und Quantenmechanik,
excited states, planetary atomic 104
Habicht, Conrad, Einstein correspon-
model, 29
fallout shelters, 128–29 dence with, 3–4, 23–24
Feinberg, Gerald, 71–72, 93 Hafstead, Larry, 105–6
Hagner, Janette, 107Fermi, Enrico: on nuclear fission,