Condon, E. U., 109 Eastern religions: Oppenheimer and,
conjugate quantities (position and 6; quantum theory and, 80–83;
momentum), quantum theory and, Schrödinger’s study of, 33
36. See also momentum; position The Economist,5
Ehrenfest, Paul, 58, 105Copenhagen interpretation of quan-
Einstein, Albert: abandons quantumtum theory, 52–53; gravitation, 69;
planetary atomic model, 28–29; theory, 7, 37, 44, 54, 84–85, 159–
Schrödinger visits, 55 62; Besso correspondence with,
correlations: spin concept and, 60– 144–62; Bohm’s relations with,
62; ‘‘twins’’ analogy of, 62–63 56–57, 66; Bohr’s relations with,
38–40, 43–45; on blackbody radia-cosmic radiation, elementary-particle
tion, 23–26; on death of Besso,physics and, 124–25
164; defense work in World WarCoulomb, Charles Augustin, 69
II, 78; ‘‘dice-playing’’ analogy criti-Courant, Ernest, 16
Crick, Francis, 33 cizing quantum theory, 37, 40,
Dalai Lama, 80–81
48–49, 117, 139–40; divorce of
Mileva, 153; double-slit experi-
ment, 41–42; emigration to U.S.,The Dancing Wu Li Masters, 6, 77–
156–57; EPR experiment and, 48–78, 130–31
49; family and marriages, 151–54;Davisson, C., 14, 31
de Broglie, Louis (Prince), 33–34, Habicht correspondence with, 3–
4, 23–24; letter of recommenda-66; early research, 30–31; opposi-
tion for Besso, 156; local realismtion to statistical mechanics, 38;
and quantum theory, 73–74, 76;quantum theory and, 55
marriage to Elsa Lowenthal, 154;de Broglie, Maurice (Prince), 30
Descartes, René, 69–70 on mathematical foundations of
determinism: quantum theory and, quantum theory, 56; molecular the-
65–66; wave theory and, 35–37 ory of heat, 55; 1905 papers, 4, 27,
55, 143, 152–53; Olympia Acad-DeWitt, Bryce, 134
dice-playing analogy in quantum the- emy and, 3; opposition to statisti-
ory (Einstein), 37, 40, 48–49, 117, cal mechanics, 38; Patent Office
139–40 work, 147–48, 152–53; pilot waves
Dictionary of Scientific Biography, (Führungsfelder), 34; on planetary
atomic model, 29–32; in Prague,146
20–21; probability amplitudes anddiffraction, 24–25
quantum theory, 117; quanta unitsDirac, Paul, 4, 34; quantum theory
and relativity, 49–50 developed by, 23; relativity theory
Discourses and Mathematical Demon- developed by, 153–54; solid-state
(condensed-matter) theory, 27–28;strations Concerning Two New Sci-
ences, 69 ‘‘spooky actions at a distance’’
Domash, Larry, 83–84 (spukhafte Fernwirkungen), 44, 62,
73; on theory vs. experimental sci-double-slit experiment, 40–41, 139
Du Pont Company, nuclear reactor ence, 145; uncertainty principle
research, 118–24 and, 43–44; unified field theory,
110, 157–58, 160; wave equationDyson, Freeman, 15, 130, 145–46