146 F. Marsiglio and J.P. Carbotte
obvious (but least measurable) example is in the T
equation,Eq.(3.109),where1+ appears in the expo-
nent.Another (perhaps more detectable) occurrence
is in the slope of the upper critical magnetic field. In
each of these cases,the renormalization occurs in the
normal state — its occurrence in the superconduct-
ing state is because the property in question depends
on the normal state effective mass, or Fermi velocity,
etc.One should also bare in mind that the factor 1+,
comes from a weak coupling approach. In a strong
coupling approach, an electron–phonon renormal-
ization is still present,but may be much more signif-
icant than suggested by the weak coupling approach,
and polaron-like physics may dominate [96].
The most important manifestation of the elec-
tron–phonon interaction is the superconducting
state itself. In fact, according to our present under-
standing of Cooper pairing, the electron–phonon-
induced attraction between two electrons would not
overcome their direct Coulomb repulsion, except for
the fact that the former is retarded whereas the latter
is not. This gives rise to the pseudopotential effect;
in some sense the pseudopotential effect is the true
mechanism of superconductivity, rather than the
electron phonon interaction per se. This is perhaps
emphasized in the cuprate materials, where presum-
ably the electrons could not utilize the difference in
energy (and hence time) scales between the attractive
mechanism (whatever it is) and the direct Coulomb
repulsion to overcome the latter. Instead the pair-
ing has apparently adopted a different symmetry (d-
wave) to avoid the direct Coulomb repulsion.
Nonetheless a minimal accounting for these re-
tardation effects accounts fairly well for the super-
conducting ground state. This was accomplished by
BCS theory.A more accurate theory with retardation
effects (Eliashberg theory) quite clearly accounts for
quantitative discrepancies with experiment.Here,Pb
and Hg are held up as paradigms for retardation ef-
fects, the simplest occurring in a measurement of
the gap ratio, for example. The BCS theory predicts
a universal number for this ratio, 2/k
With Eliashberg theory a value for Pb is found close
to 4.5, in excellent agreement with experiment. We
have characterized the discrepancy with BCS the-
ory through a retardation parameter,T
properties have been quantitatively accounted for
through simple analytical expressions with this pa-
rameter, as given in Sections 4.4.4 and 4.4.5 (see [10]
and references therein for many more).
Finally, various dynamical properties exhibit ‘sig-
natures’ of the electron–phonon pairing. These tend
to manifest themselves as ‘wiggles’ in the data, the
most famous of which occurs in the tunneling data,
and allows an inversion to extract the electron
phonon spectral function, ˛
F( ). As we saw briefly
in Sect. 4.4.3, andthen again in Sect. 4.4.6, these‘wig-
gles’ occur in various two-electron response func-
tions,most prominentof which is the optical conduc-
tivity. An accurate measurement of these response
functions allows one to infer a significant electron–
phonon coupling.
We have focussed on very conventional supercon-
ductors, and have, for example, avoided any analysis
of the high temperature superconductors. Signs of
electron–phonon interactions have occurred in these
new materials as well, but the relation to the super-
conductivity in them is yet unclear. Moreover, such
effects will no doubt be covered in other chapters.
Nonetheless, we wish to add a few remarks about
other classes of superconducting materials that have
been discovered over the last twenty years.
Cubic Perovskites, beginning with strontium ti-
tanate (SrTiO
) [59,60], have already been discussed
in Sect. 4.4.2. As mentioned there, these compounds
(including BaPb
≈ 12 K) [61] and
≈ 30 K) [63]) are generally re-
garded as in a distinct class from the high-T
cuprates. This has left them, somewhat by default,
as electron–phonon driven superconductors.On the
other hand,there is strong optical evidence [189,316]
that the electron–phonon interaction is very weak in
these materials. Hence, as far as we are concerned,
the mechanism of superconductivity in these per-
ovskites is not understood at all. Tunneling stud-
ies [319,320] are divided on this issue.
One- and two-dimensional organic superconduc-
tors were discovered in 1979 [361]. The subject had
developed sufficiently so that, by 1990, a book de-
voted to the topic was written [362]. Organic super-
conductivity represents another interesting idea that
was first presented by theorists [110,111], on the ba-