1354 A.V. Chubukov, D. Pines, and J. Schmalian
[69–72], where NMR Knight shift exper-
iments [73] and spin-polarized neutron scattering
measurements [74] reveal that the spin susceptibil-
ity is unchanged upon entering the superconducting
state, consistent with spin-triplet superconductivity.
In summary,the cuprates,the 1-1-5 heavy fermion
materials and the layered organic superconductors
are strongly correlated materials that exhibit uncon-
ventional normal state and superconducting behav-
ior, while the superconducting phases are located in
the vicinity of magnetic instabilities in their corre-
sponding phase diagrams. It is then quite natural to
assume that in all three cases magnetic interactions
may be responsible for the pairing.
The presence of antiferromagnetic and supercon-
ducting regionsin the phase diagramraises theques-
tion of whether antiferromagnetism and supercon-
ductivity should be treated on equal footingin a spin
fluctuation approach. If they should, the theoretical
analysis would be complex. Fortunately, this is not
the case, at least as long as the characteristic energy
scales for the magnetic interactions are smaller than
the fermionic bandwidth. The point is that super-
conductivity is generally a low-energy phenomenon
associated with fermions in the near vicinity of the
Fermi surface. On the other hand, antiferromag-
netism originates in fermions with energies compa-
rable to the bandwidth.Perhaps the easiest way to see
this is to formally compute the static spin suscepti-
bility in the random phase approximation (RPA).An
RPA analysis yields
(q) ∝ 1−g
(q) is some effective interaction, and ¢(q)is
the static spin polarization operator (a particle-hole
bubble with Pauli matricesin the vertices).Foran an-
tiferromagnetic instability we need g
One can easily make sure, by evaluating ¢(Q) for
free fermions, that the momentum/frequency inte-
gration in the particle-hole bubble is dominated by
the upper energy limit that is the fermionic band-
width. This implies that whether or not a system or-
ders antiferromagnetically is primarily determined
by high-energy fermions that are located far away
from the Fermi surface, and hence the antiferromag-
netic correlation length,that measures the proximity
of a material to a nearby antiferromagnetic region
in the phase diagram, should not be calculated but
rather be taken as an input for any low-energy anal-
ysis. We discuss the practical meaning of this sepa-
ration of energies in Sect. 22.4.
A more subtle but important issue is whether the
dynamical part of the spin susceptibility should be
considered simply as an input for a low-energy model
(as in the case for phonons), or whether the spin dy-
namics is produced by the same electrons that are re-
sponsible for the superconductivity and hence needs
to be determined consistently within the low-energy
theory. The first issue one has to consider here is
whether a one-band description is valid, i.e. whether
localized electrons remain quenched near the an-
tiferromagnetic instability and form a single large
Fermi surface together with the conduction elec-
trons to which they are strongly coupled [75,76], or
whether the magnetic instability is accompanied by
the unquenching of local moments.In the latter case,
the volume of the Fermi surface may change discon-
tinuously at the magnetic transition and could, e.g.
cause a jump in the Hall coefficient[77].The quench-
ing versus unquenching issue is currently a subject of
intensive debate in heavy fermion materials [77,78].
In cuprates, however, this issue does not seem to play
a role; it is widely accepted that the formation of
Zhang–Rice singlets [79] gives rise to a single elec-
tronic degree of freedom. Similarly, in organic ma-
terials, the charge transport in the metallic and su-
perconducting parts of the phase diagram is due to
the same missing electrons in otherwise closed filled
molecular orbital states.Whether or not the spin dy-
namics originates in low-energy fermions then re-
duces to the geometry of a single,large Fermi surface.
For a Fermi surface with hot spots, points connected
by the wave vector at which the spin fluctuationspec-
trum peaks, the low-energy spin dynamics is dom-
inated by a process in which a collective spin exci-
tation decays into a particle–hole pair. By virtue of
energy conservation, this process involves fermions
with frequencies comparable to the frequency of a
spin excitation. Consequently, the spin dynamics is
not an input. If, however, the Fermi surface does not
contain hot spots, spin damping is forbidden at low-
energies and spin fluctuations are magnon-like prop-
agating excitations. It is easy to show that in the lat-
ter situation, the full dynamic spin propagator comes