Advances in Greedy Algorithms
The first approach is based on the fact that being greedy (or quasi greedy) is an isomorphic
property. Therefore whenever
is a greedy system in Banach space X and T : X → Y
is a linear isomorphism, then
is a greedy system in Y. We mention two
practically useful examples of this remark:
1. Consider L
, 1 < p < ∞ space. If B is a good wavelet basis (cf. [37] Theorem 8.13)
normalized to L
then it is equivalent to the Haar system h
. Thus such all systems are
2. It is known (cf. [37], Chapter 9) that good wavelet bases in Besov space when
properly normalized are equivalent to the unit vector basis in l
, thus greedy for 1 ≤ p <
The second approach is to use the dual basis (see Remark 3). In particular (see Corollary 1) we
have shown that dual basis of
in L
, 1 < p < ∞ is greedy in L
, were 1/p+1/q =1. However one
has to be careful when using Remark 3, since without the additional assumption that
for some 0 < < 1 it may be not true that dual basis is greedy in its linear
closure. The simplest example of such a case may be constructed for the system
in H
space of integrable functions with the norm given by (23)). The dual system is the system
considered in the space VMO. It was proved in [29] that in the space
VMO, so we have a natural example of a greedy system whose dual is not greedy. Actually
one can show that the space VMO does not have any greedy system.
Now we turn to discuss other examples of greedy bases in L
. The simplest case is of p = 2,
i.e. when we consider Hilbert space. Clearly every orthonormal basis, and more generally,
every Riesz basis is greedy in a Hilbert space, since they are the only unconditional systems
in L
. This easily follows from Proposition 4.
In L
for 1 < p < ∞ , p ≠2, the situation is not as simple. Except wavelet bases it is a hard
question to provide other examples of greedy bases. We state below the Kamont [23]
construction of a generalized Haar system in [0, 1]:
The first function is 1
. Next we divide [0, 1] into two subintervals I
and I
(nontrivial but
generally not equal) and the next function is of the form
and is orthogonal to the
previous function. We repeat this process on each of intervals I
and I
and continue in this
If we make sure that the lengths of subintervals tend to zero the system will span L
[0, 1] for
1 ≤ p < ∞. One of the main results of [23] states that each generalized Haar system
(normalized in L
[0, 1]) is equivalent to a subsequence of , so is greedy.
An example of a basis in L
for p > 2 which is greedy and not equivalent to a subsequence of
the Haar system
was given in [35]. It follows from Corollary 1 that such an example
exists also for 1 < p < 2.
6.2 Quasi greedy bases
As we have mentioned in Remark 4 all unconditional system are quasi greedy. This
observation however shows that unfortunately the greedy approximation can be very
inefficient when used in this case. For example for the natural basis in
which is
unconditional we have
Obviously to show other examples one has to investigate spaces without unconditional
bases. Some examples were given in [26] but the general treatment was presented in [35]