452 R. Schott and G.S. Staples
using the methods employed here. It is worth noting however that this might be dra-
matically improved by using a multiplicative representation of k-blades such as that
found in the work of Fontijne [6].
Examples were computed on a 2.4 GHz MacBook Pro with 4 GB of 667 MHz
DDR2 SDRAM running Mathematica 6 for MAC OS X with the packages Cliff-
math08 and CliffSymNil08 available online at www.siue.edu~sstaple. Multivector
products in C
are computed combinatorially. The times of computing products
of arbitrary randomly generated multivectors in C
appear in Fig. 8.
The true power of a geometric computing architecture is yet to be realized. In an
ideal architecture, multiplying two multivectors would require one operation and an
appropriate measurement (projection) to recover the relevant information. However,
an architecture in which the multivector product is of polynomial complexity would
be sufficient for dramatic reductions in complexity.
Acknowledgement The authors thank the referees for a number of helpful comments.
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