156 5. Linearizing Completion
and hence can be simulated by left resolution. The Contra transformation rule
only reorders an inference rule, but as a clause it remains the same. The same
holds when applying transformation steps to the inference rules A, ¬A → F
from I
(T ).
For instance, the new inference rule C, B → F would be obtained as the
clause ¬C ∨¬B k 2 by left resolution of ¬C ∨ D k 2 and ¬B ∨¬D k 2.
Now let a T -unsatisfiable literal set L as given. It seems natural to write
every literal L ∈Las 2 k L (writing it as L k 2 would reduce linked
resolution to ordinary binary resolution).
Now, the linear and unit-resulting refutation of L and the completed
theory (cf. Def 4.5.6) would not be exactly simulated by linked resolution
because only one link inference is necessary to obtain the empty clause 2 k 2.
The price to be paid for this is a possible much larger completed theory (e.g.
a transitivity clause ¬(X<Y) ∨¬(Y<Z) ∨ (X<Z) k 2 would lead to
nontermination). Thus, in this setting linked resolution is much like Murray
and Rosenthal’s method
Murray and Rosenthal, 1987
, which was discussed
On the other side, since linked resolution is not restricted to Horn theories,
linked resolution could possibly be used as a generalisation of linearizing
completion towards the non-Horn case (this is future work).
An alternative approach: linked resolution has hyper resolution as an
instance. To obtain this, clauses are divided such that the negative literals
come the left of k and positive literals come to the right of k. Writing a
theory T in this way has a similar effect as using the initial inference system
(T ). It was argued above that I
T does not suffice for the purpose of
theory reasoning. Application of the transformation rules can in general not
be simulated by linked resolution. For instance, from A → B and B → C one
can Deduce A → C, but there is no inference possible beween ¬A k B and
¬B k C. This is not intended to argue that one approach is better than the
other. Instead it shows us that the calculi are different.
In sum, although linked resolution and linearising completion have similar
motivation and inference rules, there seems to be no perfect simulation of one
approach using the other.
The rest of this chapter is organized as follows: after recalling some pre-
liminaries in Section 5.1.6, we extend in Section 5.2 the definition of inference
systems (Def. 4.5.1) towards non-linear derivations; it also contains the com-
pleteness of initial inference systems for non-linear refutations. As mentioned,
deletion of redundant inference rules is tightly coupled with associated or-
derings of derivations. Section 5.3 describes orderings and redundancy. Then
we are prepared for the transformation systems of Section 5.4. This section
introduces the related important notions of limit and fairness of a deduction,
and also that of a completed inference system. There it will be shown that the
defined transformation rules and redundancy criterion preserve refutational
completeness. In Section 5.5 we build on Section 5.4 and show that the trans-