146 5. Linearizing Completion
Digricoli and Harrison, 1986
towards general monotonicity properties. Un-
like the SR rules (and the LC rules), the RM rules are no longer unit-resulting,
i.e. the conclusion might consist of more than one literal. Furthermore, it is
now necessary to deductively close the RM rules (similar to those in lineariz-
ing completion). In order to arrive at a finite system, variable elimination
rules are used to simplify resolvents. However, these rules are sound only
when making very strong assumptions about the underlying relations; this
restricts the method’s applicability. Finally, as said in
Manna et al., 1991
completeness is still open.
As an overall evaluation, it seems that the linearizing approach marks
some progress towards solving open issues in the Manna, Stickel and Waldinger
Other sources for related work are the completion techniques developed
within the term-rewriting paradigm. In fact, linearizing completion was in-
spired by Knuth-Bendix completion
Knuth and Bendix, 1970
(cf. also Sec-
tion 5.1.3 below) and its successors (e.g.
Hsiang and Rusinowitch, 1987;
Bachmair et al., 1986; Bachmair et al., 1989; Bachmair, 1991
Knuth-Bendix completion has been generalized to conditional equational
theories (e.g.
Kaplan, 1987; Dershowitz, 1990; Bachmair, 1991; Dershowitz,
1991a; Dershowitz, 1991b; Ganzinger, 1991
) i.e. definite clauses with built-in
equality, and even to full first-order equational theories, e.g.
Bachmair and
Ganzinger, 1990; Zhang and Kapur, 1988; Nieuwenhuis and Orejas, 1990;
Nieuwenhuis and Rubio, 1992; Bronsard and Reddy, 1992
These approaches allow for equational specifications, whereas we do not
have a dedicated treatment for equations. There are several ways to translate
Horn logic into equational logic. As a first method, at least for propositional
logic, a formula F over usual logical connectives can be translated into an
equation F = true which then is processed by a term rewriting system for
Boolean algebra
Hsiang, 1985; Paul, 1985; Paul, 1986
. It is even possible to
model linear input strategies for Horn theories within specialized versions of
extended (by associative-commutative operators) Knuth-Bendix completion
(see e.g.
Dershowitz, 1985
). However, the unit-resulting restriction and the
independence of the goal literal are not considered in those settings.
Another, straightforward, translation of Horn logic into equational clause
logic results from simply reading a literal A as the equation A = true (over
a different signature). Note that since we allow purely negative clauses such
as ¬(x<x) in the specification to be completed, this translation requires
full first-order clauses and not just definite clauses. It is common to methods
operating on such equational clauses that they rely heavily on term-orderings
for certain purposes: first, term-orderings are used to select — usually only
maximal — literals inside clauses for inferences; second, restricted versions of
paramodulation are directed in an order-decreasing way; finally, redundancy
is typically defined employing term-orderings.