the quantum story
the electron and the proton are really not independent, but are just two manifestations of
one elementary kind of particle.’
But Dirac had reached for the dream too soon. His proposal was roundly criticized on
all sides because, among other things, it demanded that the masses of the electron and
‘hole’-derived proton should be the same. It was already well known that there is a sub-
stantial difference in the masses of these particles, the proton heavier by a factor of almost
2000. The debate continued.
As the world’s most distinguished physicists gathered once again in Brussels for the
sixth Solvay conference on 20 October 1930, there was much to discuss. The subject of
the conference was magnetism, chaired by French physicist Paul Langevin following the
death of Lorentz. But the conference would be remembered not for the formal lectures that
were delivered on this subject, but for the debate on quite a different topic that took place
between the formal proceedings, as Einstein and Bohr resumed their contest.
In an article published in the German journal Die Naturwissenschaften the
year before, Bohr had expounded further on his theory of complementa-
rity, drawing parallels with Einstein’s theories of relativity.
The substan-
tial (though fi nite) speed of light means that we can treat space and time
separately for objects moving with velocities considerably smaller than
that of light. Likewise, the very small (though fi nite) magnitude of Planck’s
constant of action means that for classical, macroscopic objects it is pos-
sible to apply simultaneously both space–time and causal descriptions.
However, Bohr explained, when we consider the behaviour of objects
moving at speeds close to that of light, we cannot any longer ignore the
effects of relativity. Similarly, when we consider objects at the quan-
tum level, we cannot any longer ignore complementarity. For quantum
objects, the space–time and causal descriptions of nature cannot any
longer be applied simultaneously.
Einstein had rejected Newton’s absolute space and time because in
practice there is no such thing as absolute simultaneity. Why not just
accept that the uncertainty relations lead us to reject the simultaneous
validity of the classical concepts we are seeking to apply in the quantum
Bohr changed his terminology in this paper, dropping complementarity in favour of ‘reci-
procity’, a decision he latter regretted (see Pais, Niels Bohr’s Times, p. 426). He quickly reverted to
the term complementarity. Consequently, I will stick with complementarity here.