the quantum story
had used in his gamma-ray microscope gedankenexperiment was fatally
fl awed.
In grasping for a purely particulate interpretation, Heisenberg had
traced the origin of uncertainty to the Compton effect, to an essential
‘clumsiness’ resulting from the substantial, discontinuous interaction
between the electron and the gamma-ray photon being used to detect it.
But, Bohr now pointed out, in principle the Compton effect gives rise to
a precisely calculable recoil and is, in any case, applicable only to ‘free’
electrons (i.e. electrons that are not bound in an orbit around an atomic
The origin of the uncertainty, Bohr now argued, should rather be
traced to the wave nature of gamma-rays used to probe the properties
of the electron. The resolution, or resolving power, of any microscope is
limited by the effects of diffraction in the lens aperture. This diffraction
results in a blurring of the image; an inability to distinguish objects that
are closer than the minimum resolvable distance. Although the resolu-
tion increases as shorter and shorter wavelengths are used (thus requiring
a microscope based on gamma-rays to resolve distances approaching the
dimensions of an electron, as Heisenberg had assumed), the simple fact
that the aperture must be of fi nite dimensions means that there remains
a fundamental limit on the resolving power of the device. This loss of
precision represents a fundamental uncertainty.
Bohr may have gone on to explain to Heisenberg that the classical rela-
tionships between the uncertainties derived from the theory of the resolv-
ing power of optical instruments allow both the position– momentum
and energy–time uncertainty relations to be derived in a quite straight-
forward manner. The uncertainties in spatial extension and in reciprocal
wavelength of a wave packet are such that their product cannot be smaller
than unity. The spatial extension of the wave packet can be narrowed to
precise dimensions by adding to the packet more and more waves of dif-
ferent frequency, or wavelength, concentrating the amplitude more and
more sharply at a single point. In doing this, however, we lose precision
in the wavelength (and, hence, reciprocal wavelength) of the wave packet.
Alternatively, we can restrict the wave packet to a single, precisely known
wavelength, but because this wave is extended over a region of space its