10. Составьте предложения по модели. Переведите предложения.
1. nice / park / in the picture There is a nice park in the picture.
2. parks / in the picture There are parks in the picture.
3. high / office block / in the street
4. fountains / in the park
5. big / swimming pool / at the hotel
6. cars / in the street
7. big / museum / in the picture
8. shops / near the hotel
11. Составьте предложения по модели. Переведите предложения.
1. five / red / car / street There are five red cars in the street.
На улице пять красных машин.
2. nine / good / place for food / the park
3. three / expensive / restaurant / the hotel
4. four / cheap / cafe / the picture
5. eight / big / shop / the street
12. Переведите на английский язык, используя конструкцию there is/
there are. Обратите внимание на порядок слов и многообразие ва-
риантов в русском языке.
1. В парке есть большой фонтан
2. В гостинице имеется бассейн и тренажерный зал
3. На улице стоят три офисных здания
4. Рядом с музеем нет стоянки машин
5. В кафе — очень дружественная атмосфера
6. Рядом с гостиницей есть чудесное место, где можно поесть
13. Прослушайте текст. Прочтите и переведите его. Проверьте себя по
ключам. Вы живете в гостинице и пишете письмо своему другу.
Dear (your friend's name),
This is the Paradise Hotel. It is my favorite place in London. It is great, and
it's not expensive. There is a big swimming pool, a disco and a fitness room at
the hotel. There are three bars and two restaurants. There is a nice park and a
small fountain near the hotel. There aren't shops at the hotel, but there are
good shops in Morning Hill.
Morning Hill is a busy place in London. There aren't big museums in it but
there's an interesting market. Are there good places for food? Yes! There are
nice cafes. They are cheap. My favorite place is the Italian cafe. There are
good restaurants, but they are expensive. The bars are always busy. My favor-
ite bar is the Market Bar. The music is good and the atmosphere is friendly in
this bar.
See you soon.
Best wishes, (your name)