Упр. 3
Wine, meat, bread, butter, cheese, wine, juice, water
Упр. 4
a) orange, apple, egg, slice, bar, cup, glass, bottle, thing, table, basket, lemon, packet, super-
market, present, school, kilo
b) food, cheese, butter, meat, bread, coffee, water, tea, wine, juice, chocolate, spaghetti
Упр. 5
A glass of juice, a bottle of Coke, a bottle of wine, a bar of chocolate, a packet, a glass, a cup
of tea, a slice of bread, a cup of coffee, a packet of spaghetti, a kilo of oranges, a slice of lemon
Упр. 6
2 — two slices of bread, 3 — a glass of juice, 4 — three bottles of water, 5 — two slices of
lemon, 6 — a bar of chocolate, 7 — a packet of spaghetti, 8 — a kilo of oranges
Упр. 7
Two bottles of wine in the shopping basket, two kilos of oranges in the shopping bag, two
slices of bread on the table, a slice of lemon in the cup, a bar of chocolate in the shopping bag,
five glasses of wine on the table, eight apples in the shopping basket, a packet of tea on the table
Упр. 8
1. a, some, a, an 2. some, a, some, an 3. an, some, a, some 4. some, a, some, some
5. some, a, a, some 6. some, some, some
Упр. 9
3. no 4. any 5. any 6. any 7.no 8. no
Упр. 10
3. Is there any butter? No, there isn't. There is some cheese.
4. Is there any tea? No, there isn't. There is some coffee.
5. Are there any oranges? No, there aren't. There are some apples.
6. Is there any Coke? No, there isn't. There is some juice.
7. Are there any glasses? No, there aren't. There are some cups.
Упр. 11
1. There is some bread in the shopping basket. There is some meat. There are eggs. There is
a packet of tea, there is a packet of juice in the shopping basket.
2. There are some apples on the table. There are some apples, there is a cup of coffee, there
are some slices of lemon, there is some cheese and butter on the table.
3. There is a bottle of Coke in the shopping bag. There is a packet of spaghetti, there are two
bottles of wine, there are some oranges, there is a bottle of Coke, there is some bread in the shop-
ping bag.
Упр. 12
1. There is some bread in my shopping bag. 2. There are two pieces of lemon in the cup. 3.
There are three glasses of juice on the table 4. There is some cheese, some butter and some
bread in the basket. 5. There is some tea in the cup. 6. There is a kilo of apples in my bag. 7.
There is no wine in the supermarket. 8. There is no water in the glass. 9. There isn't any bread on
the table. 10. There are no cars in the street.
Упр. 13
2. There are some apples left. 3. There is some chocolate left. 4. There are some oranges left.
5. There is some bread left.
Упр. 14
1. There is some water left. 2. There is some time left. 3. There are some friends left. 4. There
is some tasty food left. 5. There are some pens and notebooks left.
Упр. 15
— Дени, сок еще остался?
— Нет, мамочка.
— Дени, а кока-кола осталась?
— Нет, мама, не осталась.