9 Procrustes solution
“It seems very strange that up to now Procrustes analysis has not been
widely applied in geodetic literature. With this technique linearization prob-
lems of non linear equations system and iterative procedures of computation
could be avoided, in general, with significant time saving and less analytical
difficulties” F. Crosilla.
9-1 Motivation
This chapter presents the minimization approach known as “Procrustes” which
falls within the multidimensional scaling techniques discussed in Sect. 9-22. Pro-
crustes analysis is the technique of matching one configuration into another in-
order to produce a measure of match. In adjustment terms, the partial Procrustes
problem is formulated as the least squares problem of transforming a given matrix
A into another matrix B by an orthogonal transformation matrix T such that
the sum of squares of the residual matrix E = A − BT is minimum. This tech-
nique has been widely applied in shape and factor analysis. It has also been used
for multidimensional rotation and also in scaling of different matrix configura-
tions. In geodesy and geoinformatics, data analysis often require scaling, rotation
and translation operations of different matrix configurations. Photogrammetrists,
for example, have to determine the orientation of the camera during aerial pho-
togrammetry and transform photo coordinates into ground coordinates. This is
achieved by employing scaling, translation and rotation operations. These ope ra-
tions are also applicable to remote sensing and Geographical Information System
(GIS) where map coordinates have to be transformed to those of the digitizing
table. In case of robotics , the orientation of the robotic arm has to b e determined,
while for machine and computer visions, the orientation of the Charge-Coupled
Device (CCD) cameras has to be established. In practice, positioning with satel-
lites, particularly the Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) such us GPS
and GLONASS has been on rise. The anticipated GALILEO satellites will further
increase the use of satellites in positioning. This has necessitated the transfor-
mation of c oordinates from the Global Positioning System (WGS 84) into local
geodetic systems and vice versa.
A classical problem in geodesy and geoinformatics that would benefit from this
technique is transformation, and in particular the 7–parameter datum transfor-
mation problem. The traditional approach of solving this problem, for instance,
has been to linearize the nonlinear equations and then apply least squares method
iteratively. With the proposed Procrustes approach, all that is required of the user
is to insert the coordinates of one system (e.g., local coordinate system) in say, the
matrix A, and those of the other system (e.g., GPS in WGS-84) into the matrix B.
Using Procrustes analysis technique presented in this chapter, and later in Chap.
17, the desired scale, rotation and translation parameters can be obtained directly.
J.L. Awange et al., Algebraic Geodesy and Geoinformatics, 2nd ed.,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-12124-1 9,
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010