log t
+ m log (mcr) = C
(Eq 7)
where t
is time to rupture; mcr is minimum creep rate; and m and C are constants that differ significantly
among alloy groups, but exhibit nearly fixed values for a given heat of material, or for different lots within the
same alloy group.
Equation 7 enables assessment of the reliability of each individual test by examining its fit within the scatter
band for all tests. Once a minimum creep rate has been determined in a low-stress test, rupture life can be
estimated without running the test to failure. Although Monkman and Grant stated that this relationship was not
intended for extrapolation, it can be used for that purpose, particularly when only low-stress tests are acceptable
to prevent large initial plastic strains.
Table 1 includes the results obtained when the Monkman-Grant relationship is applied to data obtained on these
same seven materials (Ref 37). Overall prediction of rupture life for these 46 extrapolations using this technique
was more accurate than that provided by any of the five time-temperature parameters.
For additional materials (Ref 44) where good fit is obtained to a single linear plot on the coordinates of log time
versus log secondary creep rate, extrapolation of a known secondary creep rate to the corresponding rupture life
appears to be as good or better than by other extrapolation methods. One advantage of Eq 7 is that it can be
applied successfully to as few as four to six data points, in contrast to the approximately 30 tests needed to
establish the entire Manson-Haferd master curve (Ref 45). For the minimum commitment method, even more
data points are usually required.
One advantage of this correlation, particularly with materials that exhibit structural instability under testing, is
that the specimens used to determine the input data for secondary creep rates experience the same history of
structural change that exists during the corresponding period of a test carried to rupture. Best predictions result
by concentrating on tests encompassing a limited range of stresses and temperatures.
Reduced scatter was noted (Ref 46) for eight nonferrous alloys and two superalloys when the term log t
in Eq 7
was replaced by log (t
), where ε
is the total creep deformation at fracture. This trend was confirmed by Ref
47 in tests on a 2.25Cr-1Mo steel.
Although deformation-modified rupture time may improve correlation in some instances, other cases exist
where use of the original relationship is sufficient or better. Data for 17 test points for 4% cold-worked type 304
stainless steel (Ref 48) exhibited a spread in creep elongation from 1.5 to 24%. Goodness of fit was identical
(coefficient of determination r
= 0.86) for linear regression of the data treated by the original versus the
modified log-log relationships.
Extrapolation is fast and direct when using the Monkman-Grant coordinates, but with the modified relationship,
creep elongation at the given temperature and corresponding to the rupture time sought must first be estimated.
This usually requires subjective extrapolation of only a few elongation values displaying wide scatter and with
no evident single trend. Introduction of a creep elongation factor may have value when only correlation or
interpolation of test results is desired, but it is not recommended for extrapolation.
One occasional problem in estimation of rupture life from creep data is uncertainty whether secondary creep
has truly been established. Changes in creep rate with continuing test time are often sufficiently gradual and so
close to the sensitivity of measurement that what appears to be a steady-rate condition may in fact still be a late
portion of primary creep. Reference 49 illustrates successive apparent minimum creep rates of 2.05, 1.7, and
1.40%/10,000 h for respective test durations of 1000, 2000, and 5000 h.
A distinctive slope change in a plot of log creep rate versus time or log time often provides better assurance that
the secondary creep period has been entered than study of the deformation-time curve itself. Although an
equation expressing true strain in terms of elapsed time, secondary creep rate, and three constants deviates
markedly from actual behavior during the early portion of primary creep, a statistical analysis such as that
detailed in Ref 50 may predict acceptable values of secondary creep rate from transient data.
For type 316 stainless steel tested at 704 to 830 °C (1300–1525 °F), the initial transient rate at t = 0 was found
to be almost equal to 3.3 times the secondary creep rate in the same test (Ref 51). A significantly different
magnitude (near 1000) for this ratio of initial and secondary creep rates was found in Ref 52 for a high-
temperature alloy. A simple proportionality of this type and the more general analysis cited above are tempting
alternatives to permit shortened test durations, but both suffer from the need for creep measurements that are
more precise than those commonly obtained. Currently, neither method is capable of replacing long-time
The Gill-Goldhoff Method. Many designs for elevated-temperature service require that deformation not exceed
some maximum value; in these cases, creep strain rather than rupture life becomes the focus. Although