Early investigators of engineering creep behavior introduced a “conservative” practice of using the slope from
the next higher temperature when an isotherm had to be extended to longer times. Use of this method is limited
to the specific temperatures of the test runs. Even under these conditions, extrapolations should be only in the
direction of longer times for the lower range of test temperatures.
Because the change in slope of log stress versus log time isotherms historically appeared to be associated with a
gradual change in fracture mode from transgranular at lower temperatures and higher stress to intergranular at
relatively high temperatures and low stress, the belief developed that once the slope of the longer time portion
became established, further slope change would not occur. Experimental data available at that time provided no
indication that these linear plots could not be extrapolated to long times with confidence. Subsequent long-time
data demonstrate that such extrapolations may lead to erroneous results.
Upward Inflection of Log-Log Rupture Plots at Long Times
Review of 52 heats from 31 wrought and cast steels, each with test times longer than 50,000 h, indicated that
some portion of the log stress versus log rupture time curves for all ferritic steels showed a decrease in slope
when tests were of sufficiently long durations (Ref 28). The degree of this upward inflection depends on
composition, heat treatment, and, particularly, test temperature.
A sharp inflection at one temperature (e.g., 500 °C, or 930 °F) was usually accompanied by a less distinct
inflection covering a broader time range at a higher test temperature (e.g., 550 °C, or 1022 °F). Generally, these
inflections shifted to shorter times and lower stresses with increasing test temperature. Existence of inflections
appeared to be related to precipitation phenomena.
For the heat-treatable aluminum alloy 6061-T651, test stresses between about 20 and 50 MPa (2900 and 7250
psi) for temperatures ranging from 260 to 343 °C (500–650 °F) exhibited nearly the same slope on a plot of log
stress versus log rupture time, which was steeper than for either higher or lower stress levels (Ref 29). The
long-time rupture results obtained had been predicted (Ref 30) by separate graphical extrapolation of each of
three regimes of rather constant slope (see Fig. 5).
In this instance, the curves that were actually extended were lines for fixed stress levels (isostress lines) on plots
of log rupture time versus temperature, or the reciprocal of absolute temperature. However, extrapolation could
have been carried out on the usual log stress versus log rupture time plot by treating the data as a family of
curves, with different portions of each curve falling into different slope regimes. Direct graphical extension of
isostress lines appeared to provide better extrapolation of rupture data than other common methods (Ref 31).
Curves of log stress versus log rupture life for two chromium-molybdenum steels (ASTM A 387, grades 22 and
11) typically show an increase followed by a decrease in steepness for tests at 538 to 566 °C (1000–1050 °F).
Consequently, correct prediction of 100,000 h strengths requires that these changes in slope be incorporated
into the analysis (Ref 32). This requirement applies to all evaluation methods. Unless the input data include
results that encompass structural changes of the type expected under intended service conditions, accurate
extrapolation cannot be expected.
Some metallurgists prefer a semilogarithmic plot of stress versus log rupture time. The sigmoidal shape of
isotherms is thus more evident, but extrapolation difficulties remain. The double inflections (or sigmoidal
shape) for rupture curves can be greatly accentuated when notched specimens are tested. In the intermediate
stress regime, rupture life can actually decrease as the level of test stress is lowered.
Time-Temperature Parameters
Temperatures that are higher than those encountered in service have traditionally been used to shorten the time
required to obtain creep-rupture results. One such approach incorporates time and temperature into an
expression or parameter, such that a single master curve of stress or log stress can represent all data obtained for
a given lot of material over a wide range of test conditions.
When the parameter calculated for a desired service time and temperature falls within the range of the master
curve, the corresponding stress can be read directly from that curve. More than 30 parameters have been
proposed; although not always developed that way, several can be derived from the following: