separately, termed “bars apart.” Operationally, this calibration is accomplished by inputting a known velocity
pulse into the input bar, and then, in turn, the transmitted bar, with no sample present. Thereafter, impact of the
striker with the input bar in direct contact with the transmitted bar, with no specimen, gives the coefficient of
transmission, termed “bars together.” Accurate measurement of the velocity, V, of the striker bar impact into a
pressure bar is linearly related by:
(Eq 16)
where ε
is the strain in the incident or transmitted bar, depending on which is being calibrated, and c
is the
longitudinal wave speed in the bar if the impacting striker bar and the pressure bar are the same material and
have the same cross-sectional area. Careful measurement of the striker velocity, using a laser interruption
scheme or shorting pins, for example, in comparison with the elastic strain signal in a pressure bar, can then be
used to calculate a calibration factor for the pressure bar being calibrated. Accurate measurement of the
longitudinal-wave velocity in the pressure bars being used is critical. The use of textbook values is not advised.
Variations in alloy chemistry, microstructure, and heat treatment from the manufacturer can all lead to
measurable variations in the longitudinal wave speed in the pressure bars and should not be assumed to be a
constant but rather measured for each set of bars used. Calibration values also include validation due to strain-
gage response, including cement or epoxy interfaces, wiring, amplifiers, and so on. Calibrations should be
verified periodically, especially when changes are made to either mechanical or electronic components.
Optimal data resolution also requires careful design of the sample size for a given material as well as the
selection of an appropriate striker bar length and velocity to achieve test goals. The determination of the
optimal sample length first requires consideration of the sample rise time, t, required for a uniform uniaxial
stress state to be achieved within the sample. It has been estimated (Ref 42) that this rise time is the time
required for three (actually π) reverberations of the stress pulse within the specimen (Ref 3). For a plastically
deforming solid that obeys the Taylor-von Karman theory, time follows the relationship:
(Eq 17)
Here, ρ
is the density of the specimen, l
is the specimen length, and ∂σ/∂ε is the stage 2 work-hardening rate of
the true stress/true strain curve for the material to be tested. For rise times less than that given by Eq 17, the
sample should not be assumed to be deforming uniformly, and stress-strain data will accordingly be in error.
Materials possessing either high work-hardening rates, slow sound speeds, and/or high densities will require
shorter sample lengths to facilitate rapid ringup and, therefore, rapid attainment of a uniaxial stress state in the
One approach for achieving a uniform stress state during split-Hopkinson pressure bar testing is to decrease the
sample length such that the rise time, t, from Eq 17 is as small as possible. Other considerations of scale, which
are described in the sample design section, limit the range of L/D ratios appropriate for a given material; the
specimen length may not be decreased without a concomitant decrease in the specimen and bar diameters. The
use of small diameter bars (<6 mm) to achieve higher strain rates is a common practice in split-Hopkinson
pressure bar testing (Ref 3).
Pulse Shaping. Because the value of t from Eq 17 has a practical minimum, an alternate method to facilitate
stress-state equilibrium at low strains is to increase the rise time of the incident wave. Use of impedance-
matched materials for the striker and incident bar (i.e., a symmetric impact) yields a short rise-time pulse,
which approximates a square wave. The rise time of such a square-wave pulse is likely to be less than t in Eq 16
in most instances. Contrarily, if the rise time of the incident wave pulse is increased to a value more comparable
with the time to ring up the specimen, then the data will be valid at an earlier strain. Furthermore, because the
highly dispersive short wavelength components arise from the leading and trailing edges in the incident wave, a
longer rise-time pulse will contain fewer of these components than will a sharply rising pulse (Ref 3, 43). The
consequence of this solution is a lower applied strain rate.
Experimentally, the rise time of the incident wave can be increased by placing a soft, deformable metal shim
between the striker and the incident bar during impact. The choice of material and thickness for this shim, or tip
material (Ref 43), depends on the desired strain rate and the strength of the specimen. Typically, the tip material
is selected to have the same strength as the specimen and is 0.1 to 2 mm (0.004 to 0.08 in.) in thickness. An
additional benefit of this layer is that it can result in a more uniform strain rate throughout the experiment.
However, for thick shims the strain rate will not be constant and will ramp up during the test. The exact