This test procedure shall be followed on every purchased
dry gas seal using the manufacturer’s test rig to verify seal per-
formance. The test shall contain the following as a minimum:
1. The following data shall be recorded as required in 2—
Static Test Pressure or 3—Dynamic Test Procedure of this
a. Time at which data is recorded.
b. Seal gas temperature and pressure; and leakage flows
(as read and as corrected to standard conditions).
c. Static (breakaway) and test point torque.
d. Process or test stand temperature and pressure.
e. Seal gas leakage associated with the tandem seal pri-
mary and secondary outer leakage.
f. Test speed in rpm.
g. Power consumption (minus tare, if significant).
2. Static Test Procedure
a. Set the primary seal gas pressure to the maximum spec-
ified static seal gas pressure. Hold this pressure for a
minimum of 10 min. and record data. Reduce the pressure
to 75%, 50% and 25% of the maximum specified static
seal gas pressure. Hold at each pressure level and record
static leakage at each step.
b. Set the secondary seal gas pressure to the maximum
specified static seal gas pressure. Hold this pressure for a
minimum of 10 min. and record data. Reduce the pressure
to 75%, 50% and 25% of the maximum specified static
seal gas pressure. Hold at each pressure level and record
static leakage at each step.
3. Dynamic Test Procedure
a. With the seal gas at the maximum specified pressure
and temperature, and the primary vent at the minimum
specified back pressure, increase the speed from stand still
to maximum continuous speed (MCS) and run for at least
15 min., or until the primary seal leakage reaches steady
state. Record data.
b. Increase the speed to trip speed (if higher than MCS)
and run at least 15 min. Record data at 5-min. intervals.
c. Reduce the speed to MCS and run for at least 1 hour,
recording data at 5-min. intervals. The average primary
leakage must be less than the maximum allowable leakage
that was specified.
d. Increase the primary vent back pressure to the maxi-
mum value specified and run for at least 15 min. Record
e. Increase the primary vent back pressure (secondary
seal gas pressure) to the maximum specified seal gas pres-
sure. This may require the primary seal gas pressure to be
increased to maintain a minimum ∆P on the primary seal.
Run for at least 15 min. Record data at 5-min. intervals.
Note: The compressor manufacturer, based on his own standards
and/or the user specification, can specify the seal gas temperature as
the seal manufacturer’s standard, if that has been proved acceptable,
or the maximum seal gas temperature anticipated in the field. This
may vary widely, and a judgement needs to be made by the pur-
chaser of the seal as to whether the seal gas temperature in the field
will be high enough that it should be simulated in the seal test.
f. Perform two consecutive shutdowns and restarts to
maximum continuous speed as fast as possible to trip
speed and then reducing the speed to maximum continu-
ous speed. Hold the speed for 5 min. or until the leakage
reaches steady state. Record a complete set of data at rest
and at speed. Maintain primary seal gas pressure and sec-
ondary seal gas pressure from item e above.
g. Shut down the rig and maintain specified seal gas con-
ditions. Record two consecutive sets of data immediately
following shutdown.
4. Visual Inspection
a. Following the test, disassemble the seal while insuring
that all critical parts are match-marked with respect to cir-
cumferential orientation and examine components for
wear, buildup, and general condition.
b. Tabulate condition on “prepared form” and make it part
of the summary report.
5. Static Test Verification
a. Reassemble the seal paying particular attention to
match marks and replace it in the test rig.
b. Repeat 2—Static Test Pressure.
COPYRIGHT 2002; American Petroleum Institute
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