1.5. Comments on Discrete and Continuous Models 39
1.5. Comments on Discrete and Continuous Models
In this chapter, we have discussed models using difference equations, which
are built on discrete, finite (as opposed to infinitesimal) time steps. An al-
ternative is to use differential equations, which assume things change con-
tinuously. Both difference and differential equations are used extensively for
modeling throughout the sciences, and in many ways they have a parallel
Differential equations are sometimes more amenable to analytic solu-
tion than difference equations. For example, the logistic differential equa-
tion does in fact have an explicit solution (i.e., a formula giving the value
of the population at all times). In the precomputer era, differential equa-
tions were the primary choice of modelers, because more progress could be
made in understanding such models. For certain fields, such as physiology
(modeling such things as blood flow through the heart) and most of physics,
where things really do seem to change continuously, they are still the natural
Difference equations are more appropriate in situations in which there are
natural discrete time steps. An example would be in modeling insect popula-
tions, which tend to have rather rigid life histories, with well-defined develop-
ment stages and life spans. Now that computers are readily available, differ-
ence equations can be studied through numerical experiments.
In fact, because most complicated differential equation models are not
explicitly solvable, those who use them often resort to using computers to
perform simulations as well. Since computers work discretely, the models
must first be translated into a discrete form. This may mean using an ap-
proach like Euler’s method to approximate the differential equations – thus
essentially pretending the differential equation is a difference equation. In the
end, both difference and differential equations are valuable tools for investi-
gating biological systems. Courses in calculus and differential equations are
necessary for future biological modelers.
Though conceptually simpler than differential equations, difference equa-
tions often exhibit more complicated behavior. For instance, the discrete lo-
gistic model can exhibit cyclic or chaotic behavior, but the continuous logistic
model never does. One explanation of this is that the time lags inherent in
a discrete time step often mean the quantity being modeled cannot “figure
out” by how much it should change quickly enough, so that it overshoots its
“goal.” However, sufficiently complicated differential equation models can
also produce cycles and chaotic behavior.