24 Dynamic Modeling with Difference Equations
When linearizing to determine stability, it is vital that you are focusing
on an equilibrium. Do not attempt to decide if a point is a stable or unstable
equilibrium until after you have made sure it is an equilibrium; the analysis
assumes that the point P
satisfies F(P
) = P
. For example, if we tried to
linearize F at 11 in the previous example, we could not conclude anything
from the work, because 11 is not an equilibrium.
Finally, it is also important to realize that our analysis of stable and unstable
equilibria has been a local one rather than a global one. What this terminology
means is that we have considered what happens only in very small regions
around an equilibrium. Although a stable equilibrium will attract values close
to it, this does not mean that values far away must move toward it. Likewise,
even though an equilibrium is unstable, we cannot say that values far away
will not move toward (or even exactly to) it.
Oscillations, bifurcations, and chaos. In Problem 1.2.4 of the last sec-
tion, you investigated the behavior of the logistic model P = rP(1 − P/K )
for K = 10 and a variety of values of r. In fact, the parameter K in the model
is not really important; we can choose the units in which we measure the
population so that the carrying capacity becomes 1. For example, if the car-
rying capacity is 10,000 organisms, we could choose to use units of 10,000
organisms, and then K = 1. This observation lets us focus more closely on
how the parameter r affects the behavior of the model.
Setting K = 1, for any value of r the logistic model has two equilibria, 0
and 1, since those are the only values of P that make P = 0. As you will see
in the problems section later, the “stretching factor” at P
= 0is1+r, and
at P
= 1is1− r. P
= 0, then is always an unstable equilibrium for r > 0.
= 1 is much more interesting. First, when 0 < r ≤ 1, then 0 ≤ 1 −
r < 1, so the equilibrium is stable. The formula p
≈ (1 −r ) p
that the sign of p
will never change; although the perturbation shrinks, an
initially positive perturbation remains positive and an initially negative one
remains negative. The population simply moves toward equilibrium without
ever overshooting it.
When r is increased so that 1 < r < 2, then −1 < 1 −r < 0 and the
equilibrium is still stable. Now, however, we see that because p
≈ (1 −
, the sign of p
will alternate between positive and negative as t increases.
Thus, we should see oscillatory behavior above and below the equilibrium as
our perturbation from equilibrium alternates in sign. The population therefore
approaches the equilibrium as a damped oscillation.
Think about why this oscillation might happen in terms of a population
being modeled. If r , a measure of the reproduction rate, is sufficiently large,