which terminates in the fixed point x ⫽
. The itinerary for this orbit is LRR ...,
which we abbreviate by L
R; the overbar indicates that the R repeats indefinitely.
Notice that there is a special orbit, or group of orbits, for which the itinerary
is not uniquely defined. That is because the intervals L and R overlap at x ⫽ 1 2.
In particular, consider the initial condition x
⫽ 1 2. The corresponding orbit
is 兵1 2, 1, 0, 0,...其, which can be assigned itinerary RR
L or LRL. This particular
orbit (and some others like it) are assigned two different names under this naming
system. Except for the case of orbits which land precisely on x ⫽ 1 2atsome
point of the orbit (and therefore end up mapping onto the fixed point 0), the
itinerary is uniquely defined.
Once we are given this way of assigning an itinerary to each orbit, we can
map out, on the unit interval, the locations of points that have certain itineraries.
Of course, an itinerary is in general an infinite sequence, but we could ask: what
is the set of points whose itinerary begins with, say, LR? These points share the
property of beginning in the L subinterval and being mapped to the R subinterval
by one iterate of the map. This set, which we could call the LR set, is shown in
Figure 1.12, along with a few other similar sets.
We would like to identify the sets of all initial points whose itineraries begin
with a specified sequence of symbols. For example, the set of initial conditions
whose itinerary begins with LR forms a subinterval of the unit interval. The
subintervals in Figure 1.12 give information about the future behavior of the
initial conditions lying in them. Another example is the subinterval marked LRL,
which consists of orbits that start out in the interval L ⫽ [0, 1 2], whose first
iterate lands in R ⫽ [1 2, 1], and whose second iterate lands in [0, 1 2]. For
example, x ⫽ 1 3 lies in LRL. Likewise, x ⫽ 1 4 lies in LRR because its first and
second iterate are in R.
(a) Find a point that lies in the subinterval LLR. (You are asked for a specific
number.) (b) For each subinterval corresponding to a sequence of length 3,
find a point in the subinterval.
You may see some patterns in the arrangement of the subintervals of Figure
1.12. It turns out that the rule for dividing an interval, say LR, into its two
subintervals is the following: Count the number of R’s in the sequence (one in
this case). If odd, the interval is divided into LRR, LRL in that order. If even, the
L subinterval precedes the R subinterval. With this information, the reader can
continue Figure 1.12 schematically to finer and finer levels.