de, F., IntroductiontoGeochemical Modeling, Cambridge University Press,1995.A ¢nebook
on modelingalthough a littlehardgoingfor those notkeyedup in mathematics.
Bourdon,B.,Turner,S., Hend erson,G., and Lundstrom,C. C., IntroductiontoU-SeriesGeochemistry,
Reviewsin Mineralogyand Geochemistry vol.52, Washington,DC, GeochemicalSocietyand
MineralogicalSocietyof America,2003. A very good book for the di¡erent applications of
radioactives ser ies.
Bradley, R.,Paleoclimatology,NewYork, Academic Press,1999. An excellentclari¢cation of isotopic
methods andproblemsin climatology.
Broecker,W. S. and Peng,T.-H.,Tracersinthe Sea, NewYork,Eldigio Press of ColumbiaUniversity,
1982.Thereferencebook forstudentsandanyoneinterestedin marin e isotopegeochemistry.
C l ayton , D. D. , Principlesof Stellar Evolution and Nucleosynthesis,UniversityofChicago Press,1968.
Aclearandwell-writtenbookforanyonewantingtogointoth e nitty-grittyofnuclearastrophysics
and nucleosynthesis.
Dalrymple,B.,TheAgeofthe Earth, StanfordUniversity Press,1991. An outstandi ngbookon the age
ofthe Earth and agood introductiontoisotopegeology.
De Paolo, D., Neodymium Isotope Geochemistry, Heidelberg, Springe r-Verlag, 1988. The reference
book for neodymium isotope geochemistry.
Dickin, A., Radiogenic Isotope Geology, 2nd edn, Cambridge University Press, 2005. The book
for advanced students to move on to after this one. Excellent.
Encyclopedia ofEarthSystems Science, London,Academic Press,2005. An exhaustiveintroduction
to studyingexternal geodynamicsystems.
Faure, G., PrinciplesofIsotope Geology, NewYork,JohnWiley,1986.Aprimer for ageneration now.
um nationald’histoire naturelle,LesMe
orites, Paris,Bordas,1996. Aclearand simple review
ofmeteoritesaccessibletoall. (InFrench.)
Roth,E. and Poty, B., NuclearMethodsof Dating, New York,Springer-Verlag,1989. Acollection of
papersreviewing the main methodsofnucleardating.
Rowlinson, H., UsingGeochemical Data,Harlow, UK , Longman,19 93. Abooktoinitiate studentsin
theuse ofgeochemi cal data.
Tu rcotte,D. andSchubert,G., Geodynamics,CambridgeUniversity Press,2002.A referencebookfor
Valley, J. M.,Taylor, H. P., and O’Neil, J. R.,StableIsotopesin HighTemperatureGeologicalProcesses,
Reviewsin Mineralogy vol.16,Washington, DC,MineralogicalSocietyof America.Agood
round-up ofresearchon high-temperaturestable isotopegeochemistry, foradvanced students.
Walker, J., Num erical Adventureswith GeochemicalCycles,OxfordUniversity Press,1990. An
excellentintroductiontogeochemical cycles us ingsimple computer technology.