948 Index
Resultant, 691
multipolynomial, 695
of polynomial, 693
Sylvester, 691
Retract, 311
Retraction, 311
Reverse lexicographic order, 732
R-fold point, 704
Riemann, Bernhard (1826–1866), 460, 660
Riemann integral, 891
versus Lebesgue integral, 896
Riemann mapping theorem, 906
Riemann sphere, 898
Riemann surface, 748, 750
Riemannian manifold, 521
Riemannian metric
for manifold, 521
for vector bundle, 516
induced from R
, 521
Right distributive, 835
Right hand rule, 112
Right-handed limit, 890
Rigid motion, 83, 107
Ring, 835
commutative, 835
graded, 411, 878
ideal of, 836
local, 782
Noetherian, 839
of continuous functions, 719
of polynomial functions, 766
with unity, 835
isomorphic, 836
Rinow, Willi (1907–1978), 633
, 852
Rodrigues, Benjamin Olinde (1794–1851)
Rodrigues formula, 617
Roll angle
of rotation, 114
Roll-pitch-yaw representation, 114
uniqueness of, 114
multiplicity of, 848
of polynomial, 844
simple, 848
Root of unity, 901
finding, 252
Rotation, 107
about directed line through angle, 112, 113
about line, 107, 108
about origin, 68
about point, 70, 107, 108
about x-axis, 113
about y-axis, 113
about z-axis, 107, 113
axis-angle representation of, 112
center of, 70, 107
compact axis-angle representation of, 113
equations for, 69, 71
Euler angle representation of, 115
general, 70
orientation of angle for, 112
roll-pitch-yaw representation of, 114
Rotation about line
ambiguity in, 112
Row rank
of matrix, 867
Rubber sheet geometry, 296, 309, 327
Rubinstein, J.H., 499
Ruled surface, 645
base curve of, 645
central point of, 647
directrix of, 645
distribution parameter of, 648
line of striction of, 647
quadric, 192
ruling of, 645
striction curve of, 647, 673
Saddle point, 242
Sard, A., 530
Scalar multiplication, 852
Scalar product, 862
Scaling transformation
global, 96, 110
local, 96, 110
Schmidt, Erhard (1876–1959), 8, 9
Schoenflies, Arthur Moritz (1853–1928)
Schoenflies theorem, 332, 421
Schwarz, Hermann Amandus (1843–1921),
Screw motion, 125
Second countable space, 297
Second fundamental form, 605, 667
Second structural equation, 658
Second structural equations, 656, 659
Sectional curvature, 663
Segment, 4
Self-adjoint, 40