936 Index
of ring homomorphism, 836
Imaginary part
of complex number, 851
Imbedding, 296, 473, 503
of manifolds in R
, 504
of varieties in P
, 804
Immersion, 473, 503
Implicit definition, 3
Implicit function theorem, 238
complex version of, 791
Implicit parametrization theorem, 470
Implicitization algorithm
via Gröbner bases, 743, 747
Implicitization problem, 677
Implicitization theorem
for polynomials, 746
Incidence matrix, 400
mod, 2, 409
normalized, 402, 405
with respect to basis, 401
Incidence number, 400
Indeterminate, 841
of nondegenerate critical point, 250,
of map at point, 533
of intersection point, 533
of subgroup, 829
Induced abstract simplicial complex,
Induced equivalence relation, 819
Induced homomorphism
on cochain groups, 410
on cohomology groups, 410
on fundamental group, 418
on homology groups, 379, 383, 452
on homotopy groups, 436
Induced map
between simplices, 37
of simplicial map, 37, 333
on differential forms, 271, 538
on exterior forms, 266
on quotient space, 299
on tangent spaces, 269
Induced metric, 284
Induced orientation, 365, 483
for induced vector bundle, 518
Induced topology, 290
Induced vector bundle, 515
Inf, 889
Infimum, 889
Infinite extension field
of degree •, 856
Inflection point, 241, 574, 665
Injection, 819
Inner product, 862
Inner product space, 863
Integrable function, 257, 259
absolutely, 891
Integral, 257
improper, 891
Fresnel, 892
iterated, 260
Lebesgue, 896
of differential form, 275
of n-form over n-manifold, 544
over ring, 775
over set, 257, 259
over singular k-chain, 276, 539
over singular k-cube, 275, 539
over unbounded domain, 891
Riemann, 891
Integral domain, 837
of manifold, 297
of set, 211, 292
of closed planar curve, 570
Interior point
of manifold, 297
of set, 292
Intermediate value theorem, 309, 890
Internal direct sum
of abelian groups, 832
Intersect properly, 799
Intersect transversally, 530
Intersection multiplicity, 801, 802
along component, 802
at point, 713
of curve and line, 703
Intersection number
for submanifolds, 533
mod 2, 534
of map, 533
of oriented cells, 446
of two curves, 713
Intersection pairing
in manifolds, 448
Intersection problem, 677
Intersection product
of varieties, 802