vowel-like unstressed sound that functions as a consonant by forming
a diphthong with a contiguous vowel articulated within the same syllable
the two Portuguese semivowels are transcribed i [
] and u [
(pai / sei / foi / dói // pau / seu / céu / sou / viu)
relative force with which a sound or a syllable is uttered
(the a in ano / sofá / caso / Mário)
(pro)noun about which something is being said;
the subject often performs the action of the verb
(Quem comprou o livro? Ana o comprou.)
dependent clause that depends on the main clause for its existence;
subordinate clauses function as nouns, adjectives, or adverbs
(Quero que você vá para o Brasil.)
(Temos um amigo que vai para o Brasil.)
(Ficaremos tristes quando você for para o Brasil.)
sound or letter occurring at the end of a syllable
sound or letter occurring at the beginning of a syllable
classification of verb forms to indicate the time of the action or state of being
in relation to the time of the utterance; for example, in the utterance
"João diz que irá," the action of the future-tense verb (irá) will occur in the
future with respect to the present time of the utterance (diz); in the utterance
"João disse que iria," the action of the conditional-tense verb (iria) would occur
in the future with respect to the past time of the utterance (disse).
verb that needs a direct object to complete its meaning
Some linguists distinguish between a "semivowel," which ends a "falling" diphthong (causa),
and a "semiconsonant," which begins a "rising" diphthong (quarto).
An infinitive or a noun clause may also be a subject:
É preciso: comprar o livro / que eu compre o livro.
A ditransitive verb needs both a direct object and an indirect object to complete its meaning:
Os meus pais nos compraram uma casa.