Paper P5: Advanced performance management
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This point can be illustrated with the previous example of the EV of annual sales.
The forecast is that sales will be $40 million (0.60 probability), $50 million (0.30
probability) or $70 million (0.10 probability). The EV of sales is $46 million.
The total annual sales for the year is an outcome that occurs only once. It is
doubtful whether it would be appropriate to use $46 million as the budgeted
sales for the year. A sales total of $46 million is not expected to happen.
It might be more appropriate to prepare a fixed budget on the basis that sales
will be $40 million (the most likely outcome) and prepare flexible budgets for
sales of $50 million and $70 million.
When the forecast outcome happens many times in the planning period, an EV
might be appropriate. For example, suppose that the forecast of weekly sales of a
product is as follows:
Weekly sales Probability EV of weekly sales
$ $
7,000 0.5
9,000 0.3
12,000 0.2
Since there are 52 weeks in a year, it would be appropriate to assume that weekly
sales will be a weighted average amount, or EV. The budget for annual sales would
be (52 × $8,600) = $447,200. If the probability estimates are fairly reliable, this
estimate of annual sales should be acceptable as the annual sales budget.
3.5 Spreadsheets and ‘what if’ analysis
Preparing budgets is largely a ‘number crunching’ exercise, involving large
amounts of calculations. This aspect of budgeting was made much easier, simpler
and quicker with IT and the development of computer-based models for budgeting.
Spreadsheet models, or similar planning models, are now widely used to prepare
A feature of computer-based budget models is that once the model has been
constructed, it becomes a relatively simple process to prepare a budget. Values are
input for the key variables, and the model produces a complete budget.
Amendments to a budget can be made quickly. A new budget can be produced
simply by changing the value of one or more input variables in the budget model.
This ability to prepare new budgets quickly by changing a small number of values
in the model also creates opportunities for sensitivity analysis and stress testing.
The budget planner can test how the budget will be affected if forecasts and
estimates are changed, by asking ‘what if’ questions. For example:
What if sales volume is 5% below the budget forecast?
What if the sales mix of products is different?
What if the introduction of the new production system or the new IT system is
delayed by six months?