Chapter 7: Strategic planning techniques
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Primary activities Examples
Inbound logistics Delivery systems for materials and components,
warehouses for accepting deliveries
Operations For a manufacturing company, manufacturing
operations and methods: total quality management
methods, just-in-time production methods and so on.
Outbound logistics Warehousing for finished goods, methods of
delivering goods to customers
Marketing and sales Advertising and sales promotion methods, taking
and processing sales orders, pricing
Service After-sales service, handling customer queries and
Support activities Examples
Firm infrastructure Centralised/decentralised management structure,
size of head office, head office services, size of
management hierarchy, decision-making processes
Human relations
Recruitment policies, training policies, incentive
(bonus) pay arrangements, employee skill levels
Technology development Use of IT and IT systems, age of IT systems, use of e-
Procurement Choice of suppliers, arrangements with suppliers,
just-in-time purchasing, negotiation of prices, credit
terms and discounts with suppliers.
For each individual activity listed within each of these categories of activity, it
should be possible to analyse what the company does well (creating value) and
what it does less effectively.
It is also possible to use value chain analysis to identify the information
requirements for each activity, to ensure that it can create value.
3.4 A value chain for service operations
Although Porter’s value chain is normally associated with companies that handle
physical goods, the same approach to analysis can be applied to companies in
service industries.
An article by Malcolm Eva in Student Accountant (‘The adaptability of strategic
models’, June 2005) suggested how value chain analysis could be applied to a
service organisation. The article gave as an example an organisation providing
distance learning courses. This example was based on a study by Woudstra and
Powell (1989) in the American Journal of Distance Education.