Chapter 1: The purpose of strategic and business analysis
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any one lens might be appropriate in a particular situation. Management should
therefore be prepared to use all three lenses.
Looking at strategy through just one lens can be risky, because aspects of strategy
that are seen and understood using one lens might not be seen if the other lenses are
3.7 Mintzberg: 5Ps for strategy
Mintzberg has provided a multiple definition of ‘strategy’, which also provides a
useful analysis of how strategy develops. He suggested that the term ‘strategy’ is
used in different ways and that there are five differing definitions. These are his
‘5Ps’ for strategy. Strategy can be used to mean any of the following:
Strategy as a plan. In this definition, strategy is an intended course of action or an
intended strategic direction for the entity direction to take. A strategy is made in
advance of its implementation and it is consciously developed and implemented. In
this meaning, strategy means ‘deliberate strategy’. In practice, however, the term
‘strategy’ is also used in other ways, and not as a conscious and intended plan.
Strategy as a ploy. In a second meaning, a strategy is a manoeuvre that is taken to
get the better of a competitor, by taking advantage of an opportunity that arises. It is
unplanned and opportunistic. For example, if a competitor raised the prices of its
products, a counter-strategy might be to announce a temporary price cut. This
might be a temporary ploy to create a distinction in the mind of competitors
between the rival’s price-raising and the company’s own concern for customer
Strategy as a pattern. Mintzberg suggested that it is not sufficient to define
strategies as plans or ploys. Strategy must also be considered in terms of strategic
outcomes. Strategies might be planned and opportunities taken, but the result might
not be what was planned. The outcome of strategic development is a combination of
deliberate strategies and emergent strategies. It might be possible to look back at
what has happened, and describe a company’s strategy in terms of a pattern that
has emerged.
Strategy as position. This definition of strategy refers to locating or positioning an
entity in its environment, and deciding the position within its environment (e.g. the
position within its markets) that the entity should be. For example, an airline
company might have a low-cost ‘no frills’ strategy for providing air travel. It would
be positioning itself in the low-cost end of the market for air travel.
Strategy as perspective. Mintzberg also suggested that strategy can be defined in
terms of the corporate personality and culture of the entity and its members (e.g.