Chapter 1: The purpose of strategic and business analysis
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Development directions and methods
A choice must be made about the direction or directions in which the business
should be directed.
If a company’s management decide on a strategy of growth, and making the
business bigger, decisions have to be made about how the company will grow.
Will it have a strategy of internal growth, and developing the business gradually
using the company’s own internal resources? Or will it seek to grow by making
acquisitions of other companies? Or will it seek to grow by making strategic
alliances with other companies, so that all the companies in the alliance help
each other to grow their businesses?
Senior management must also make strategic choices about its products and
markets. One method of analysis (by Ansoff) is that companies can seek to grow
in any of four ways:
- market penetration: this is a strategy of trying to increase market share, by
selling more of the company’s existing products in its existing markets
- market development: this is a strategy of growth by selling the company’s
existing products to new markets, such as markets in other countries
- product development: this is a growth strategy that involves developing
new products or services to sell to the company’s existing markets
- diversification: this is a higher risk strategy, which involves selling new
products or services to new markets.
Ansoff’s strategic analysis is explained in more detail in a later chapter.
The nature of strategic choices
Making a strategic choice is often a fairly simple decision, in the sense that the
choices are clear. The problem with making strategic choices, however, is that it is
easy to make the wrong choice and select unsuitable strategies.
Here are some of the choices that have to be made, and why management might
make a wrong decision.
What is the best way to make the entity succeed in achieving its objectives?
- Should strategic decisions be based on the significant changes that are
happening in the environment? Or is success achieved by focusing on the
strengths of the entity, and stick to doing what it does best?
- Should the entity choose a cost leadership strategy and sell its products at
the lowest prices possible? Or should it seek to add value for the customer
by differentiating its products, and charging higher prices?
- Should the entity specialise in one type of product or one market? Or
should it diversify and sell a range of products and in a number of
different markets?
What is the best way to manage the entity, in order to get the best out of its
resources? Should the organisation structure be centralised or decentralised?
What management style is appropriate? (Management style is explained in a
later chapter.)