Practice questions
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standing data files containing customer names, addresses and credit limits and a
price file containing the part numbers, descriptions and selling prices of the
company’s products
transaction files containing the outstanding transactions for each customer’s
account, the values of individual invoices, credit notes, cash, discount and
adjustments posted to the sales ledger in the month and the ageing and the total
balance on each customer’s account.
The system will operate as follows:
1) The customer details, and the part numbers and quantities of the goods
dispatched are input into the computer, which calculates the invoice value by
accessing the standing data file. When the operator confirms that the invoice
details have been input correctly, the computer prints the invoice and posts it
to the sales ledger.
(2) Cash received and discounts are input into the system from the cash book,
and they are matched to the invoices which are being paid.
(3) Credit notes and adjustments can be input directly into the sales ledger.
(4) At the end of the month the computer prints:
(i) a summary of the invoices, credit notes, adjustments, cash and discounts
posted to the sales ledger in the month
(ii) an aged list of receivables
(iii) customer statements, which show the outstanding transactions at the
end of the month.
(5) The computer has the facility to print out during the month the summaries
described in part (4) above, and the details of any customer account.
(a) List and describe the procedures which should be carried out in setting up the
files containing:
(i) the customer names, addresses and credit limits
(ii) the price list of the products the company sells
(iii) sales ledger balances which are to be transferred from the manual
system to the new computer system.
(b) List and describe the controls which should be exercised over:
(i) the input of transaction data, to ensure the risk of errors is minimised
and that there is no unauthorised input of transactions
(ii) the amendment of standing data files containing customer names,
addresses and credit limits
(iii) the amendment of the prices of the products the company sells.
(c) List and describe the procedures which should be carried out to ensure the
accuracy of the transaction file data, which contains balances on customers’
accounts and the outstanding transactions making up those balances.