Paper F8: Audit and assurance (International)
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1.3 International Standard on Review Engagements (ISRE) 2400
Objectives of ISRE 2400
ISRE 2400 Engagements to review financial information sets out the objective of a
review of financial statements as:
‘…to enable an auditor to state whether, on the basis of procedures which do not
provide all the evidence that would be required in an audit, anything has come to
the auditor’s attention that causes the auditor to believe that the financial statements
are not prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with an identified financial
reporting framework.’
Note that a review:
requires less evidence than an audit, and
has an opinion that is expressed in negative terms: (as discussed above, it gives
‘negative assurance’).
Because a review engagement provides a lesser form of assurance than an audit, the
work for the review will usually be limited to analytical and other review
procedures. Detailed verification work (for example, substantive tests) will not
usually be carried out. This will usually mean that fewer assurance staff, but more
experienced staff, will be required for a review engagement than for an audit.
Principles to apply to review engagements
ISRE 2400 set outs the following general principles that should be applied to a review
engagement. The accountant should:
comply with relevant codes of ethics
plan and perform the work with an attitude of professional scepticism,
recognising that material misstatements may exist in the information that is
subject to review
obtain sufficient and appropriate evidence, primarily through enquiry and
analytical procedures.
The actual terms of a review engagement should be agreed with the client, and set
out in an engagement letter.
Procedures for a review of financial statements
Procedures for the review of financial statements will usually include the following:
The accountant should obtain an understanding of the entity’s business and the
industry in which it operates.
The accountant should make enquiries into:
− the entity’s accounting policies, practices and procedures, including the
preparation of financial statements
− material assertions in the financial statements that are subject to the review