Paper F8: Audit and assurance (International)
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ISAs requiring emphasis of matter paragraphs
There are currently two ISAs which require the auditor to use an emphasis of
matter paragraph in certain circumstances.
ISA 560 Subsequent events requires an emphasis of matter paragraph to be used in
two specific circumstances. These were set out in a previous chapter.
ISA 570 Going concern requires an emphasis of matter paragraph to be used to
highlight the existence of a material uncertainty relating to a going concern
problem. The following illustrative wording for this type of emphasis of matter
paragraph is from ISA 570.
(Note that this is only appropriate where the issues relating to the going concern of
the entity are not such that a modified opinion should be given. Such matters are
considered later in this chapter.)
Without qualifying our opinion, we draw attention to Note X to the financial
statements which indicates that the company incurred a net loss of $… during the
year ended 31 December 20X1 and, as of that date, the company’s current
liabilities exceeded its total assets by $…. These conditions, along with other
matters as set forth in Note X, indicate the existence of a material uncertainty
which may cast significant doubt about the company’s ability to continue as a
going concern.
3.4 Other matter paragraphs
As stated above, an ‘other matter’ paragraph is used if the auditor considers it
necessary to communicate a matter other than those included in the financial
statements that, in his opinion, is relevant to users’ understanding of the audit, the
auditor’s responsibilities or the audit report. In this case the auditor is required to:
include the other matter paragraph immediately after the opinion paragraph
(and any emphasis of matter paragraph), or
elsewhere in the report if its content is relevant to the other reporting
responsibilities section.
Circumstances in which an other matter paragraph may be necessary
ISA 706 gives the following examples of circumstances in which an ‘other matter’
paragraph may be necessary:
Where the auditor is unable to resign from the engagement even though the
possible effect of a limitation of scope imposed by management is pervasive
(relevant to users’ understanding of the audit). This should be rare in practice.
Where local law or custom allows the auditor to elaborate on his responsibilities
in his report (relevant to users’ understanding of the auditor’s responsibilities or
audit report).
3.5 The modified opinion: ISA 705
ISA 705 Modifications to the opinion in the independent auditor’s report requires the
audit to modify his opinion in the audit report in two situations: