Dear Senator.......,
...............Like you, I’m eager to have the newly constitutes
US Senate and House of Representative, after New
Year’s, correct the hundreds of egregious blunders and
regressive acts that have been perpetrated by all
branches of our government in recent years, in both
domestic and foreign policy, and to move this country
forward in directions that will lead to its restoration in the
eyes of the world and, indeed, of the majority of its
population, as a beacon for those who struggle with the
twin curses of poverty and oppression
...........With almost 50 years behind me as a specialist in
Russia, I can tell you with absolutely certainty that not
only the Russian people, but also their government,
remain eager to cooperate with the United States in an
attempt to solve some of the most pressing problems
facing humanity, for example, terrorism, nuclear
I strongly urge you ......to adopt positions with regard to
Russia and, indeed, the rest of the world, that will improve
chances for the survival of human civilization and of the
environment on our planet......................................
...........For what it’s worth, I would like to receive a
personal response from you, ............., to this letter, and
your permission to submit it to one or more newspapers
where it stands a chance of being printed.
Yours respectively and admiringly,
Gerald E. Mikkelson
Professor, Russian Studies, University of Kansas
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