Для специалистов / English for Specific Purposes
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  • добавлен 24 ноября 2011 г.
Видашенко Н.І., Сергєєва Г.Б. Vehicles: History and Modernity (Транспортні засоби: історія та сучасність)
Харків: ХНАМГ, 2006. - 96 с. Навчальний посібник з англійської мови для студентів денної форми навчання спеціальностей 6.092200 Електричний транспорт (спеціалізацій 6.092200 Електричний транспорт, 6.092200 Охорона праці та безпека на електричному транспорті), спеціальностей 6.100401Організація регулювання дорожнього руху, 6.100402 Транспортні системи і 6.100403 Організація перевезень і управління на транспорті (міському електротранспорті).
This book is to help you to improve your skills in reading and speaking English, the English grammar and vocabulary.
All students need practice. There are a lot of different certain basic things in English. They cannot be mastered without a great deal of practice. In order to improve your English, you should try to make the most of your classroom time.
- Good leaers know that a teacher cannot do everything.
- To make progress, you must take responsibility for your own leaing. Leaing English or other languages is like leaing to ski or skate. Your teacher can show you what to do, but you must do it.
- People often remember things better when we work them out for ourselves, rather when we are simply told. Asking questions does not mean you are stupid. It is a vital part of the leaing process.
- Speaking tasks, group work are not a waste of time. If you are asked to do this, it gives you a chance to use your English.
- Do more than give a ‘minimum response’. This will help you to be more confident with your English.
- No one can lea languages without making mistakes. Don’t worry about every little mistake, identify important mistakes and work on those.
- Your first languages can help you lea English, if some words or grammar structures are similar. But the less you rely on translation, the better you will communicate in English.
- It is never enough simply to know something. You must be able to do things with what you know.
Each unit here gives you the vocabulary of transport, words and expressions that will be useful to you and help you understand written and spoken English. You can find interesting facts about different vehicles, their history and development.