Славянские языки и культуры в современном мире : II Международный
научный симпозиум (Москва, МГУ имени М. В. Ломоносова,
филологический факультет, 21 24 марта 2012 г.): Труды и материалы /
Составители О. В. Дедова, Л. М. Захаров, К. В. Лифанов; Под общим
руководством М. Л. Ремнёвой. – М. : Изд во Московского
университета, 2012. – 408 с. – С. 356-357.
Ключевые слова: орфографическая трансплантация, научная
транслитерация, украинская латиница, взаимная однозначность,
транслитерационный стандарт.
Scientific approach to Cyrillic-Latinic transliteration is formulated for the Ukrainian language. The principles backgrounding the transliteration system and the tables themselves, are deduced on the basis of the methods of terminology as a science. It is shown that orientation at any mediative language (e. g. English) is incompatible with the transliteration approach and leads to the loss of equivalence between initial and net forms.
Scientific approach to Cyrillic-Latinic transliteration is formulated for the Ukrainian language. The principles backgrounding the transliteration system and the tables themselves, are deduced on the basis of the methods of terminology as a science. It is shown that orientation at any mediative language (e. g. English) is incompatible with the transliteration approach and leads to the loss of equivalence between initial and net forms.