Monograph. — Arkhangelsk: Pravda Severa, 2015. — 184 c. — ISBN
На фоне теоретических подходов к теме миграции настоящая книга
впервые представляет историографию, а также количественные
показатели, причины и особенности эмиграции граждан России в разные
страны Европы и в, первую очередь, в Норвегию в 1990-2010-е годы.
Отдельные главы посвящены близлежащей к норвежско-российской
границе Северной части Норвегии, где проживает почти половина
россиян, приехавших в эту страну. Особое внимание обращено на
благосостояние русских детей, оказавшихся вдали от своей родины
благодаря, главным образом, мамам, которые привезли их в Норвегию.
Между тем, в монографии представлены оценки, данные самими
родителями-иммигрантами, как о благоустройстве их детей, так и их
самих. Кроме того, есть и анализ мнений о потенциально-возможной
эмиграции тех россиян, которые проживают на Европейском Севере
России, географически близком к норвежско-российской границе.
Studies on the welfare of children and families of immigrants from
Russia in various European countries
onceptions and theories of child and family immigration
Political, economic and social foundations of Russian immigration to Norway at the tu of 20-21 centuries
Russian immigration waves
Russians immigrants in Norway: quantitative and qualitative indicators
Russians in Northe Norway
Immigrant children in Norway
out the rights and responsibilities of children
Indicators of immigrant children's position in Norway and in the North of the country in icular
Children from Russia in the North of Norway
Talking with children: content, priorities and dynamics
hildren's opinions and estimates of the welfare in the new country
hildren of Kirkenes
hildren of Tromso and Alta
Reflections on the welfare of Russian children-immigrants
The parents of immigrant children from Russia are in focus
Parents as an opportunity to lea more about the position of children, family and plans for the future
Questionnaires for immigrant parents
Parents of children in Kirkenes
Parents of children from other cities and towns in Northe Norway
out parents and their assessment of the children's welfare
Emigration and life in Norway as seen by the people of the European North of Russia
Opinions of women from the Arkhangelsk city and Arkhangelsk region
Students of a Russian-Norwegian-class in the city of Murmansk
Emigration of Russians to Norway and to its North: trends, needs and perspectives
onceptions and theories of child and family immigration
Political, economic and social foundations of Russian immigration to Norway at the tu of 20-21 centuries
Russian immigration waves
Russians immigrants in Norway: quantitative and qualitative indicators
Russians in Northe Norway
Immigrant children in Norway
out the rights and responsibilities of children
Indicators of immigrant children's position in Norway and in the North of the country in icular
Children from Russia in the North of Norway
Talking with children: content, priorities and dynamics
hildren's opinions and estimates of the welfare in the new country
hildren of Kirkenes
hildren of Tromso and Alta
Reflections on the welfare of Russian children-immigrants
The parents of immigrant children from Russia are in focus
Parents as an opportunity to lea more about the position of children, family and plans for the future
Questionnaires for immigrant parents
Parents of children in Kirkenes
Parents of children from other cities and towns in Northe Norway
out parents and their assessment of the children's welfare
Emigration and life in Norway as seen by the people of the European North of Russia
Opinions of women from the Arkhangelsk city and Arkhangelsk region
Students of a Russian-Norwegian-class in the city of Murmansk
Emigration of Russians to Norway and to its North: trends, needs and perspectives