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  • добавлен 12 апреля 2012 г.
Stein E., de Borst R., Hughes T.J.R. Encyclopedia of Computational Mechanics, Volume 1, Fundamentals
Wiley John & Sons, 2004, 798 p.
Фундаментальная энциклопедия вычислительных методов механики. Доступно изложены метод конечных разностей ( глава 2 ) и метод конечных элементов ( главы 3, 4,.).
Наряду с классическими методами, рассматриваются и многие современные достижения
в этой области. Ничего подобного на русском языке нет.
Introduction and Survey
Finite Difference Methods
Interpolation in h-Version Finite Element Spaces
Finite Element Methods
The p-Version of the Finite Element Method
Spectral Methods
Adaptive Wavelet Techniques in Numerical Simulation
Plates and Shells: Asymptotic Expansions and Hierarchic Models
Mixed Finite Element Methods
Meshfree Methods
Discrete Element Methods
Boundary Element Methods: Foundation and Error Analysis
Coupling of Boundary Element Methods and Finite Element Methods
Arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian Methods
Finite Volume Methods: Foundation and Analysis
Geometric Modeling for Engineering Applications
Mesh Generation and Mesh Adaptivity: Theory and Techniques
Computational Visualization
Linear Algebraic Solvers and Eigenvalue Analysis
Multigrid Methods for FEM and BEM Applications
Panel Clustering Techniques and Hierarchical Matrices for BEM and FEM
Domain Decomposition Methods and Preconditioning
Nonlinear Systems and Bifurcations
Adaptive Computational Methods for Parabolic Problems
Time-Dependent Problems with the Boundary Integral Equation Method
Finite Element Methods for Maxwell Equations
Uncertainty Quantification with Stochastic Finite Elements