Sivan D. A grammar of the Ugaritic language. Leiden, 2001. - xxii +
330 p. Ugaritic, discovered in 1929, is a North-West Semitic
language, documented on clay tablets (about 1250 texts) and dated
from the period between the 14th and the 12th centuries B.C.E. The
documents are of various types: literary, administrative,
lexicological. Numerous Ugaritic tablets contain portions of a
poetic cycle pertaining to the Ugaritic pantheon. Another part, the
administrative documents shed light on the organization of Ugarit,
thus contributing greatly to our understanding of the history and
culture of the biblical and North-West Semitic world. This
important reference work, a revised and translated edition of the
author's Hebrew publication (Beer Sheva, 1993), deals with the
phonology, morphology and syntax of Ugaritic. The book contains
also an appendix with text selections.