Харьков: ХНАМГ, 2006. - 70 с. Для студентов 1 курса специальности
6.070900 Геоинформационные системы и технологии.
The tasks are designed for students studying English for specific
purposes (ESP).
There are eleven units which are expected to be covered during
about 90 classroom hours. It is assumed that the students doing the
tasks get detailed up-to-date information of using GIS to play a
role at work and in the community. It is also expected that the
students doing these tasks have the knowledge of and ability to use
English up to intermediate and upper intermediate levels.
The tasks are based on the authentic texts conceing specifically
the geographical information systems and technology. The first unit
gives the definitions of GIS. The next ten units focus on the GIS’s
roots in cartography, maps and numbers, on getting the map into the
computer and basic database management.
The presented educational materials and the choice of tasks are
supposed to provide practice in using the professional lexis, in
reading and comprehending the specific information, in translating
from English and into English and also to give a reasonable
motivation for mastering the basics of GIS in English.
Words and phrases unique to the vocabulary of GIS are italicized
and defined as they are introduced.