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Semple J.G., Roth L. Introduction to Algebraic Geometry
Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1949. — 446 p.
Классическая книга, которую можно рассматривать как развитие и продолжение более элементарного курса
Semple and Kneebone, Algebraic projective geometry (хотя они и были написаны в обратном порядке).
Plane curves
The quadratic transformation
Rational correspondences
Systems of plane curves
Linear systems of curves and their projective models
Special rational surfaces and plane Cremona transformations
Linear systems of surfaces, rational manifolds, and higher Cremona transformations
Projective characters of curves and surfaces
The geometry of line systems
Some problems of enumerative geometry
Geometry on a curve
Geometry on an algebraic surface