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  • добавлен 03 февраля 2012 г.
Ryadnov M. Bionanodesign: Following Nature's Touch
Royal Society of Chemistry, 2009. - 249 p. - Bionanodesigns are improving our understanding of biomolecular folding and structure. This practical guide to molecular nanotechnology describes the concept of, and provides rules for, building nanostructures from basics. It is, in essence, a fully referenced review, placed in the context of de novo biomolecular design. The book details current approaches to designing novel nanoarchitectures that rely on the structural principles of natural self-assembly pattes. Specific applications are used as examples to highlight particular areas of progress in the field. These include an artificial virus for gene therapy and artificial extracellular matrices for regenerative medicine. Illustrations and references provide an essential support to the text and a special appendix lists "who's who in nanodesign".
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